Folks... you simply love to see it.
I'm very happy you're still with us. More than that - I'm happy you want to be.
Take down the #brands and I'd have no problem with this. Looks like it would be a cool place to go to school.
Stay hydrated, comrade
this mf just quoted lenin in ap gov
Feel like pure shit.
Also want him back but that's unrelated.
Guess I needed to cry today
Walking to my neighbor’s house
This legitimately made me angrier than I’ve been in at least a week.
Any user who is memorable should have their account deleted.
No gods, no masters, no power posters.
I was thinking about this recent garbage about a COVID memorial
This was posted on here recently in case you didn't see it already, a perfect encapsulation of the liberal attitude:
They could increase the minimum wage if they wanted to.
They don't want to.
That's it.
Go look up the lyrics to "Chocolate Rain"
POV - You incorrectly asserted Brace posts on twitter in violation of his ban and the Twitter Terms of Service: :brace-cowboy:
he uses podcast’s account
No that's Mehmet
I’m not religious. I don’t really begrudge people who are religious, except to the extent they use it as an excuse to be shitty.
Living in this US I get the feeling that the default assumption is that the place people get “community” is through church, which sucks. I wish I had something like that in my life.