Churnthrow123 [none/use name]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2020

  • Bro, you're going to end up exactly like the Evangelicals if you keep clinging to these academic totems of identity as some sort of all encompassing queer struggle. You sound just like some shithead pastor in 2008 worried that the GOP won't fight hard enough to keep "under God" in the pledge of allegiance. What happened to the evangelicals? They worship an atheist who's been divorced 4 times!

  • Yeah, everybody would love a vacation from work, no shit.

    A lockdown only works if you use the time to build the capacity for mass testing, targeted quarantines (outside of the home), contact tracing, and hospital capacity. That's what Asia did, and that's why they succeeded. "Stay the fuck home" is a strategy to buy time, not an actual cure.

    The US and Europe did a lockdown, and it was a fucking disaster because we learned nothing and did nothing during that time. You can shut everything down until the end of time, but if you don't actually invest in productive solutions you just end up right back where you started.

  • Yeah, as oafish as he is, Trump pretty much saved the GOP from certain destruction. He really is like some sort of prank from God that dragged a moribund bunch of demons and ghouls kicking and screaming back into relevancy without ceding a thing.

    In April of 2015, it was pretty much a law of nature that the GOP was never going to win another Presidential election without embracing immigration reform and moving left on social issues. A guy who opened his campaign with "Mexicans are sending us rapists" just won incredible numbers of Latino voters, in multiple states.

  • Trump's "handling" of the Pandemic had ZERO effect on this election. The only effect Covid had is that it stolen the spotlight from Trump, and it let Biden get away with not making any public appearances.

    Trump's gains with working class voters of color are simple to explain. Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats offer any real material benefit for voters. Who you vote for is purely aesthetics and culture bullshit. Increasingly precarious working class men are prime targets for the Right by appealing to a sense of lost masculinity. This cuts across racial lines btw. The Dems are the soft, nice, college educated, enlightened party. The Republicans are the fuck you, strong, dominance alpha mindset party.

  • Because it doesn't matter in the end. No matter who is the President, GOP comfortably retains the Senate and cut the Dems majority almost in half in the House.

    Trump delivered BIGLY for the Republicans even though he lost. 3 insane Supreme Court justices who will be there for the rest of your life along with stacks of lower court judges. Massive gains with voters of color, especially Latinos (a group that 5 years ago everyone thought would be the end of the GOP). A rabid fan base that isn't going anywhere. The expulsion of Bill Kristol, David Frum, and other National Review losers. A renewed lease on life in general.

  • Trump literally only lost because of the state and local income tax deduction cap at $10,000. That pissed off enough of his white collar base to flip to Biden in key places like the Philly and Detroit burbs, Atlanta, NC, Arizona, etc. Florida and Texas don't have state income taxes, so it's not a factor there. You can't really blame Covid because it's raging and Trump basically matched his result from last time.

  • But, but, but, online incel losers who love Trump are all actually middle class white boys!

    /Pol/ used to call themselves "the most diverse hate group on Earth", and they weren't joking. There's a seething undercurrent of working class men of color who feel left behind, and they are going to shift to the reactionary right in the absence of a real material alternative

  • I don't think the gender line is being blurred at all, people are just more apt to call themselves "non-binary".

    If you look at teen culture going back decades, since it began, there's always been an element of "gender bending", or claims to that effect. People mocked The Beetles for being girly! In the 80s, the coolest, most popular and "alpha" rock stars wore makeup, had long hair and dressed feminine. Plenty of goth/punk girls rocked a look that almost certainly would be called "non-binary" today. Really what's happened is that people are quicker to put a label on identities that have always been around.

    "Femboys" are also literally an ancient tradition going back to Greece, though they used to mean "boys" more literally.