wonder when migration rates started to climb...
Oh yeah, Venezuela's economy began to struggle, so USA made it their stated directive to "throttle" their economy further with extreme sanctions in the hopes that it would collapse, and now millions of people can't sustain a life there so needed to migrate...
Oh... The drugs? Putting a bounty on Maduro for being a narcoterrorist? Yeah... Only a tiny fraction of drugs come from Venezuela. The vast majority come from US CLIENT STATE COLOMBIA, OFTEN IN COLLABORATION WITH CIA SCHEMES TO MAKE DARK MONEY.
Iranian influence? Oh you mean they traded with Iran because major sanctions on Venezuela's oil (THE pillar of their economy) from the west meant they could only trade with the other states under severe sanctions (Iran).
Total slop. Malevolent or incompetent.
Killing people in the name of stopping drugs and woowoo is a bad idea actually. You see, killing people really, really fucking blows. I'd much rather reserve that for stopping giga murder of innocents. But I come from a perspective of not being a warhawk - I don't even profit off of it. So I see how we can come to different conclusions from our different perspectives.
Of course it’s everybody’s favorite bedbug Bret Stephens writing this shit. For at least my lifetime the NYT has done nothing but shriek to the American people calling for more invasion, bloodshed, and war. Just shut up and give us wordle.
drugs, immigrants, [insert foreign adversary], the holy trinity for the cia
It's an op-ed by the bed bug himself, Bret Stephens
Putting an end to a criminal regime that is a vector for drugs, mass migration, and Iranian influence
As I recall, the NYT was a fervent proponent of doing this some time ago this century. Remind me how that went?
Replace Iranian influence in the Americas with Israeli influence in the Middle East and you could say the same about