Cyrus [none/use name]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2020

  • Cyrus [none/use name]tomainNo. 11922567
    4 years ago

    Ok guys I think I'm onto something. Q said "Do you believe in the phoenix?"

    Now who is a Phoenix we might think of in recent pop culture? (We know that the elite hide their secret messages in pop culture of course)


    and his recent movie Joker has been said to be communist : (

    So I think it's quite possible that Q is trying to direct us to this Joker movie. Now we just need some truth warriors to check out the movie and look for secret signs either from the capitalist cabal or our good guys of secret Q commies, this could be an important drop

  • I don't know enough to defend him holistically but I don't really think he supports bootstrap theory. He gave a really good speech about the concept. "Don't ever call me a self-made man. The self-made man or woman is a myth"

  • This reverse psychology shit works so damn easily lately it's like fooling 5 year olds. I see it constantly. "Conspiracy" right-wingers will literally believe anything as long as a media network says the opposite. Zero evidence necessary, if CNN said "Santa Claus isn't real" there would immediately be a conservative reddit investigative committee to believe in Santa. If Trump said he supported M4A, Libs would say "I knew there was something wrong with that Bernie guy" and elect Jeb Bush to fight 'fascist healthcare'.

    How fucking hard is it to spend 3 seconds thinking for yourself? Basing your beliefs on the opposite of someone you don't like makes you 100% controllable with just one extra step.

  • Finally someone who gets it! If we allowed policing to be done by private businesses, it would be self-regulated by the free market. A police company that is corrupt or brutalizes minorities would obviously lose business, and the free market would naturally sort it out until all the police departments were run by only the best, most responsible corporations. Just another example of how liberal big government holds society back

  • Cyrus [none/use name]tomainThanks Bezos, very cool
    4 years ago

    Guys M4A sounds great but if we did that I wouldn't be able to watch the new season of The Boys on Amazon Prime!

    Can't wait until 2030 when all American companies are owned by Amazon, Google, or Disney. Maybe they'll even take over the political parties and we could finally have a viable 3-party election!

  • Cyrus [none/use name]tomaini want to do an antinatalist struggle session
    4 years ago

    I'm antinatalist but it doesn't really matter because I'm gay :) I'm open to adopting in the future and it's not really an 'ideology' I want to promote on anyone else, more of a personal moral philosophy. The world is a human work farm and has been for thousands of years as far as I can tell. Bringing a human consciousness into the world to be a brain-washed wage slave or a 'woke' tormented soul their entire existence just seems too fucked up to me. I also think most people who are REALLY into having children are just selfishly trying to 'defy' their mortality by making a mini-version of themselves to feel better about their lack of impact in the world. Adoption clearly seems like a better option, given that there is no shortage of humans on the planet. And more importantly - if you want to have an 'impact' or effect the world after you're gone, you can foster healthy mindsets in young people or everyone you interact with. Giving birth to a kid with some of your DNA is far from the only way to leave something behind in the world.

  • Cyrus [none/use name]tomainI ♥️ working😊😊😊😊
    4 years ago

    People really need to show more gratitude to job creators! That's why I'm against any tax increases on businesses. If we treat them rudely by raising taxes, they'll create fewer jobs! Honestly it seems like a lot of people these days aren't proud Americans any more :/ Being American means being proud to get up every morning, commute 90 minutes, and give your all at work! And people complain about working 9-5? You should be staying as late as you need to do a great job, not just leaving at 5! Back in the day, working gave us purpose in our lives. People need to get over the idea that life is about hobbies and enjoyment. Humans exist to work! Bill Gates is rich so if you're poor it's your fault tbh

  • Cyrus [none/use name]tomainclownworld
    4 years ago

    Even on /r/pics yesterday in the comments of an obvious Biden advertisement people are rabid. Someone said "Stop posting this 'Biden is cool' cringe" and the libs were foaming at the mouth calling him a russian operative lmao