DaringDarek [none/use name]

  • 9 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2021


  • I am very much in favor of getting as many of these as convenient off Hexbear. I made a smaller thread about I think the twitter ones a long time ago and it didn't go anywhere at the time.

    Don't forget the general purpose UTM ones:


    These are used across the net, various sites document what they are, like this one: https://mailchimp.com/resources/utm-links/

  • DaringDarek [none/use name]tocarsWhat the fuck is this
    1 year ago

    Someone saw Killdozer and decided that every red-blooded American should have one

    100% a matter of time until some chud drives a vehicle like this one into a crowd of protestors and tries to get away with it using dumbass Spy Kids car features

  • To go even further, for those who don't know: it's 100% legal to act on information that is TECHNICALLY public. Even if that information was released immediately before you bought / sold.

    How this works for the in-group:

    1. Do insider trading
    2. Know that an earnings report goes live at noon or whatever
    3. Wait for one femtosecond after noon
    4. Do the trading you already decided on days / weeks ago

    A scanning bot could totally work for some things, but you're still way behind the curve, because they made fraud legal.

    The real trades are already made while your bot is downloading the PDF.

  • This is exactly why I surf logged out 99% of the time, and don't post in any situation where I disagree with someone.

    The idea of ban-happy mods and having to make / remember a new account sounds exhausting and I'd rather just not participate honestly.

    I'm tired and just want some news and laughs at the end of long days. The original sub was an absolute riot & that's what I yearn for