Moroccan here. Just want to add that the first years of Mohammed 6 were marked by great optimism, naming him "the king of the poor". This optimism was later on shattered, and a new form of oppression took place. While Hassan 2 was a dictator who sent people who opposed him to a secret prison, and people just vanishing like for publicly saying the wrong things like Mehdi Ben Barka, the opposition was fierce. There was a notable coup attempt in 1972. The reign of Mohammed 6 presents a friendly face but is marked by a shift to business, the king owns many major businesses in the country, making competition nearly impossible. The king gets to extract all the riches while pretending to be this meek gentle king, and the prime ministers are changed at will and they get to be the focus of all the discontent people have. Speaking against the king is still a political taboo that you never hear publicly.
Rewatch some comfort movies or shows. I watch Princess Bride every time I get sick