Funkydick [none/use name]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2021


  • The cool commenters were all driven off long ago by the relentless political posts.

    Used to be, NASA scientists would post in rocketry threads and you'd get people saying "hey, that's my lab! here's what we're up to." But no, the site's new admins removed the "News for Nerds" slogan and started relentlessly posting politics stories unrelated to tech. And sure enough, the site is now the same 150 people talking to each other. Threads don't often go above 50 posts. And there are people who who spend all day on the internet, herding their dozens of accounts, and use the bounty of mod points to mod to oblivion anything they don't like.

    Oh, and the duplicate stories. They never stop. There are two on the front page right now.

  • Funkydick [none/use name]tochapotraphouseWhelp, it finally happened.
    3 years ago

    I think there’s an unconscious implication in your comment that low IQ people can’t be nice

    Where'd you even get that? That thought is in your brain, not mine. I said they won't let people whose IQ is too high into the police academy.

    I think low IQ people are some of the nicest in the world. They don't become CEOs or start wars. You know who starts wars? High IQ people.

  • I’ve seen your take more than once in the wild

    They literally have intelligence tests, and if you score too high they won't let you enter the police academy. They consider it a waste of resources to train you because you'll just quit out of boredom.

  • It contains many themes that are timeless. I especially liked Wang Lung's relationships with his family members. It really explained a lot about how Chinese families are. You can read works from a thousand years ago and recognize today's China in them.

    Pearl S. Buck was a missionary kid. She grew up in China and spoke Chinese natively. Since she lived with the people, (parents basically 19th century hippies) she didn't get that walled-off expat experience most Americans get. She caught some flak for her novel back then, too.

    One of the isolating factors of my own experience has been that some of the morbidly sensitive modern Chinese, especially those abroad in foreign countries, have not liked it that I have written of the everyday life of their people. In all justice to them I must say that this attitude has changed in the last two years very much, so that I have ardent friends among these, but certainly The Good Earth at first displeased many Chinese in the United States. In China itself it was accepted without dislike except that it was a foreigner who wrote it. It was often said there, "It is a book which a Chinese should have written." But among the Chinese in my own country, who felt they had the honour of their country to uphold, it made distress. They had to deny it, to criticize it, to struggle against it. This also was as astonishing to me as the letter from the Fundamentalist board member. Apparently with the simplest purpose in the world, namely, merely to write novels, surely a harmless necessity for a novelist, and without any sense of wrongdoing, I was able to infuriate an astonishingly large number of people.

    -- Pearl S. Buck, "Advice to a Novelist About to Be Born" (1935)

    Seriously, just read it. It's an easy read that's not too long, and you can find it on in ebook format for free. Go to the bottom to download, ignore the book image.

  • They literally won't let you be a police officer if you're too smart. They say patrolling for hours on end is dull and intelligent people need constant stimulation.

    I think it's just because they don't want any smart people in there who will figure out what they're up to.

  • That's one of the reasons the entire corrections industry is as it is. It appeals to people who aren't that smart. If they were smart, they'd go into another profession. How'd you like to spend your life hanging around inside a prison with that crowd?

    If smart people would just start going into corrections en masse things would get a lot better very quickly.

  • It's the concept of ingroup and outgroup based on clan membership. Clans banded together into a tribe, tribes banded together as a nation. Stronger Together, eh? Of course it's not the Westphalian concept of a nation-state with a customs service and all, but that's where this comes from. We're the ingroup, The Other is the outgroup.

    Globalism and some other ideologies wish to remove all these borders and put everyone together in the same ingroup. That's why anyone who doesn't want to go along with this is treated as the outgroup.