Somebody on here suggested this is the true cause of the "Havana Syndrome" outbreak and I haven't stopped thinking about it since. CIA out here breaking Biggie's fourth commandment.
Edit: Credit to @rubpoll -
Right. If you think about it, supplying hard drugs like heroin is a great way to embed yourself in the lumpen/criminal elements of an enemy state. And it's an old trick of empire. The West destroyed China with opium. It's some conspiracy brained shit, but the CIA is a factory of conspiracies.
mind-blown , fuck it would make sense , and they needed some narrative to cover it up internaly and externaly ...
I imagine Taliban influence ebbed and waned in various regions throughout Afghanistan in the years preceding official US withdrawal. This could have impacted the supply. There's also the possibility of fake cases being scattered around geographically to obscure the hotspots of actual incidents. Unless there is empirical data on Afghan opium production and exports (I doubt it) it would be hard to cross-reference those timelines.
The theory is a longshot (mostly because I don't think they'd be able to keep such widespread heroin use among high ranking state officials under wraps), but it is still thought provoking.
If you have money or easy access to a supply then a heroin addiction could easily be kept under wraps. Someone with a solid habit is barely affected by a non massive dose and are usually just doing it to stay well and stage off withdrawal. Most issues with heroin come from people trying to get the money together to get a fix and what they'll do for it and that it's a street drug peddled by non doctors so purity and strength is inconsistent.
The CIA did just report an unexpected buget shortfall as well for some unknown reason
Read this as a heron shortage and was confused as to what the CIA was doing to those dinosaur birds
Heron marked swords are supposed to be rare, suitable for blademasters
Unless you just give one to your large, red son with no training. Haha, who would do that?
I got clean a few years ago, and I'm glad I did. Feel so bad for everyone who's going to suffer as a result of this, opiate withdrawals are no joke. That shit can break even the toughest people. I'll always remember my first time going through that, to this day I get a vague sense of panic just thinking about it.
There's a reason why they call it kicking the habit, by the way. You become incredibly restless, especially your legs. You can't help but constantly move your legs around. So even if you could make it past the anxiety and insomnia that already come with the withdrawals, this makes it impossible to relax.
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you could just sleep through it, but you can't. You'll be lucky to get more than a couple hours of sleep in the first three days. Just absolutely hellish.
Solidarity to all of our comrades suffering from addiction out there.
They stamped out the opium trade when they were in power in the 90s.
Predicted this months ago. Hate to be right on it as usual
Opiate WDs are highly survivable and very rarely fatal.
EDIT - I see what youre saying, but i think most people will just go without rather than cut their drugs or look for other shit.
I don't know, I've never been addicted to heroin but I've smoked some pretty gross shit when I was out of weed
Just do me a favor and understand that there are people who are very close to this thing and explaining to them that ODs aren't dangerous might be seen as an offense.
I've revived purple friends who were gagging on their own vomit during involuntary near death breathing and, as said in the other post, I also know ones that have died because no one was around to revive them.
ODs can most definitely be fatal, won't argue that for a second. That said, I was specifically referencing withdrawls.
Oh sorry barely awake and misread.
Fentanyl gets cut into regular heroin, it's not sold as fentanyl. So what'll happen is the supply is going to get even more tainted with it.
Users aren't going to specifically seek fentanyl, but will end up with it anyways and then that's how the OD's occur
No worries! And yeah, I feel you. Im a former/recovering opiate addict myself, so I know how things go. I was waking up when I first made that post. I guess my point is, if shit is just hard to find, I hope people will be ok. With regards to fentanyl, if you can't get anything to cut it with, then...I dunno. Like, I just hope people will be ok is all.
Man my cousin OD'd and died like hours after we talked about this. Just got the news and it sucks.
Shits fucked. Stay off the shit, things are fucked.
Solidarity to you.
I've had multiple friends hooked on the shit and seen first hand that fentanyl is not a deterrent to getting a fix.
Opiate ODs are survivable if Narcan is administered quickly lol, but otherwise no. A very close friend of mine died last year because no one was around to administer that dose.
Fentanyl knocks them directly into hypoxia moments after shooting it up. There's no time to get assistance unless there's someone nearby who is not using or has not used yet.
Eh maybe I think a lot of the US stuff comes from Mexico