HalfeMoon [they/them,she/her]

  • 36 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2020


  • HalfeMoon [they/them,she/her]tohistory*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    I don't really have a take as to whether the US's vaccine rollout is good or not, gonna be all fair. I'm immunocompromised, and even though open season is in just like two weeks nationwide, I was only able to get an appointment by booking one two and a half hours away, at the behest of a friend of mine who lives out there. I'm staying over at her place rn, and I've come to a few conclusions.

    1. Trains still rock (Amtrak'd out)
    2. Being picked up and driven the last 20 minutes or so gave a really revealing image of life in a lot of the rural South. It reminded me of, of all things, was this one half-empty lot in the more suburbian parts at the tip of Queens. The only non-underdeveloped building was a shooting range, which did actually look pretty cool but I'm not gonna mention it (she's :LIB: ). There isn't even a swath of gentrification apartments with ugly water features and shitty windows either--it's just a void. This place has truly been ignored.
    3. The WiFi is very inconsistent so I'll actually be not brainmelting for hours once.

  • alright watched speed racer for the first time in well over a decade and holy shit that is actually one of the most enjoyable film experiences I've ever had. it's a genuine expressionist masterpiece. the fact that I remembered so many of the shots and images despite only watching it once as a kid, like the transition into the Fiji race, or the desert section of the second act, it's just so good. give yourself to the film and it will give so much back. best kids movie of the 2000s 10/10

  • HalfeMoon [they/them,she/her]tohistory*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    Hell yeah, space. Actually on that, note, I was working through everything that's visible in the Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies around the mid-Northern hemisphere, but that's boring at this point. So, anyone have any NA North-Spring space objects they'd like looked at?

  • HalfeMoon [they/them,she/her]towomenby*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    the cleverest I have ever been or ever will be was writing the phrase "socioeconomic epicycles" to describe the tendency to ascribe weird pseudoscience onto minority economic struggles when the problem is capitalism. maybe just because I'm astronomypilled though.

  • A thread where this was posted got nuked earlier on /c/userunion, but a lot of people seemed to enjoy this half-coherent rant I put together as a reply so I decided to post it here. Note: this is mostly for archival purposes, and I don't want folks going into any sort of struggle sesh here. I just think someone might read this and pluck out the 1 or 2 good ideas in it and place them somewhere better. If linking it here isn't allowed, mods/admins, do tell and I'll delete it immediately (unless I'm asleep in which case feel free to do it yourself). Original post here https://hexbear.net/post/94999/comment/1043779.

    It’s not intentional, but that doesn’t matter, because the outcome is still the same.

    Yes! That is it! That's why Simulacra and Simulation is the most important piece of theory of the past 50 years except for maybe Necopolitics, because that's the basis for how we understand images in a modern context. When I speak on chapo, or hexbear, I construct an image which does the speaking. The same is true for any website I use--twitter, reddit, different discord servers are different, etc. Construction of images isn't a new concept, not at all, but S&S makes an important distinction that they are both simulacra and real; each of those identities has no less claim to reality than the supposed 'original.' The character stored in my head as "Halfe" is different from the one stored as "Eve," yet they are as real as eachother.

    And what of that? It means that there cannot be a 'return to the real,' rather, a person's identity can only be described as a horrid amalgam of all these pieces interstitial. After construction of an identity, you cannot "log off" because you are that character, and that character is you, and that reality cannot be erased by any means short of a CIA memory wipe program or whatever.

    What does this have to do with /r/vcj? Vcj is the perfect place to craft an identity that fundamentalist and hardline, past the point of what others would call reason.

    It hits every box--it's on a topic that emphasizes its own importance, it features a wide enough base to supply the content to use as 'building material,' and it hosts a specifically aggressive attitude.

    Most circlejerk subs miss one or two of these points.

    A GCJ, or a MTCJ, for example, specifically diminish the topic that they're circlejerking over; a key theme of gamingcirclejerk is about not caring so much about videogames goodness gracious. As such, it becomes harder to build an identity for it, because it's about being uninvested in a way. It's not easy to get invested in apathy. Side note, these subs are great (partially) for that reason.

    Most circlejerk subs are far smaller, and also far less active, than VCJ. What that leads to is content stagnation; they simply don't have enough slop to work from. You can't build an identity from like 30 comments and 5 posts a day, it simply doesn't meet the critical mass.

    Finally, the tone. VCJ's tone is specifically aggressive towards non-vegans; not in the interest of conversion, no, there's no interest at all there, but rather as a conflict. Calling people "bloodmouth" won't convince anyone, just break a few rare people down enough into becoming bullies themselves. Saying that people who eat meat would support slavery, including POC, is not going to be the effective argument that makes them rethink their views; it's going to either be they break down and join you or redouble against you.

    But that tone wouldn't be a problem if not for it striking every box. And what we see is that VCJ is perfect at crafting an identity, and a powerful one at that. A VCJ user is immediately identifiable as one because it is such a powerful reality that it stays with them even if they leave the specific subreddit. It's a powerful enough identity that they cannot tone match outside of the context because it is specifically overpowering.

    I honestly feel bad for them, because this is the same thing we saw with groups like fatpeoplehate and the rise of the anti-sjw movement. Masses of content, the visage of utter importance ("fat" being an engine to drive in reactionary concerns over the so-called purity of humanity and its health), and a specifically aggressive tone. I'm just annoyed that the mods ever thought it would be a good idea to introduce such a group to this website, which definitely had potential.