IAMOBSCENE [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2022


  • Clean up some of the filler in Neon Genesis. Make the lilliputian hitcher angel from episode 13 more of a central element of the plot rather than a one-off. This was the angel that "infected" NERV/MAGI that they somehow reprogrammed or something. Would've been much more interesting if it was a subplot spanning the remainder of the series/its reprogramming is ultimately used as a last resort, to weaponize it against the 14th angel Zeruel, possibly by having it infect Unit-01 to give it some abilities. This could have been used to explain why Zeruel was able to be eaten by Unit-01 and its S^2 engine absorbed by the Eva.

    Yes, I've spent too much time thinking about this. I watched Eva in high school when I had a job at a computer repair shop...

  • There's a significantly larger market for these fruit cup things in Asia than anywhere else, with pears being grown all over. Apparently the packing machinery is so sophisticated that it makes more sense to ship pears around the world, and supposedly the time spent in transit ripens them, where global supply chains would just be crippled by storing pears somewhere temporarily to let them ripen.

    It's one of the least egregious examples of market inefficiency in some ways, ocean freight is relatively ecological compared to automobile shipping, but we have to ignore the elephant of unsustainability in the room with regard to any kind of plastics packaging and energy generation used in shipping.

  • Depends how the software developers implemented their audio functionality (acquiring a direct channel on the audio interface at launch, they should at least have a menu to select an alternative post-initialization). iTunes probably had that because it sets some bits about DRM compatibility, particularly for video content with Fairplay DRM, since it's such an old monolithic codebase I'm sure.

    For games, I could see the decision to bypass DirectSound or something higher level where you just pipe the audio to Windows and let it resolve the default output being based on latency or something, most likely inherited from a decision made in the engine that this engine is based on decades earlier.

    I don't do much with audio output in my development background, I'm sure it's just a result of requirements, timelines, and developers making something work just to get it out the door and if people aren't concerned with breaking the latency thresholds or DRM compatibility they can install a virtual audio device and set that as default, and have that go the physical interface they want. Virtual Audio Cable for instance, not sure if there's a FOSS/freeware alternative but I've had that cracked for decades.

  • I don't think Signal ever aims for anonymity, but yes, it's trash.

    Any system which attempts to combine these things in an auto-updating mobile app is more risky than it's really worth.

    1. Communication client
    2. Public-key infrastructure
    3. Web of trust

    Signal can easily be compelled or compromised to replace someone's public key, reencrypt messages MITM'd for them so they can't notice, and update the client software to obfuscate the public key change.

    There's no reason for something so centralized to exist even if its stated purpose is honest. It's just a disaster in waiting for someone who actually needs its value proposition.

  • Damn that sucks. People are losing it in general I think, I was leaving a grocer and walking to my car at maybe 9 PM in one of the safest zip codes in the country and some guy is parked 15yds away from me on opposite side of the aisle, only two cars on that side of the building, right next to to the cart return and starts coming around from having been putting shit in the backseat and sees me walking in what could only be construed as toward him in the vaguest possible terms. From 30ft away he starts talking and initially I thought he must be on the phone but then I process that he just threatened to fucking stab me if I get any closer, calls me "Shaggy" (??? I was wearing a hat), tells me has a knife in his pocket... Like what the fuck, I'm going to mug a guy while carrying my groceries and walking toward the only other car in the lot. It wasn't that scary overall, I was packing pepper spray and figured he must be drunk or something. I just told him to calm down and showed him it was my car over there by unlocking it and he was still yelling crap so I just laughed and reiterated how fucking safe the area is, how much of a baby he is, made a dig about how finacially secure I am... He'd clearly just bought the shitty overpriced SUV because it had a temporary license plate, so I told him he should actually try to return it, get a compact like me and invest the rest in therapy...

  • IAMOBSCENE [none/use name]toliterature*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    I'd take as the author saying people should be concerned with whether other people recognize them as beings with the capacity for similarly complex thought and emotion (human) or whether they do not (dehumanizing them). Considering to what extent you're humanized by others should lead you to consider to what extent you're dehumanized, and in what contexts. And the first bit to mean that humanity's most glaring problem has been the lack of humanizing of other humans, I think. That makes sense to me at least. And that people have done both to varying degrees throughout history.

    Maybe I'm wrong, this seems so obvious as to be inane but maybe they're just too verbose for my taste...

    Not 100,% on their use of "un-" & "incomplete" though. Could mean a lot of things, and I'm not sure why someone would have to be conscious of this quality about their sense of self to wonder how much humanity they're considered to have by other people?

  • Windows 10, presumably 11 as well, doesn't seem to care about being moved to new hardware. Usually you just get the "please wait while we get ready" type of screen and it just works. Obviously game ready device drivers for graphics hardware could interfere, some laptops don't have great firmware for switching between a low power GPU and dedicated GPU without some specific drivers that Windows can't manage to automatically resolve.