Interloper [none/use name]

  • 26 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 31st, 2020


  • Interloper [none/use name]toaskchapoMeditation For Dummies
    2 years ago

    i really think the main benefit of meditation is to cultivate mindfulness, ie: awareness of your emotions and your context. also it builds the ability to refocus your mind on something else, which helps mitigate suffering and looping thoughts. other than that, i can't in a million years see how meditation leads to enlightenment or anything. if that's what you want, eat 5 dried grams of mushrooms and hold on tight. meditation is just a simple tool for training your mind to let things go and focus on being here now. anything more than that is someone selling you bullshit.

  • Interloper [none/use name]toaskchapoMeditation For Dummies
    2 years ago

    meditation is made out to be some big grand thing that it isn't.

    sit somewhere comfortably with your spine upright and start paying attention to your breath. each time your mind wanders somewhere else and you finally notice, bring your awareness back to your breath. do this for 10 or 15 minutes each day to practice regulating your mind (having the ability to shift away from thoughts/feelings and be mindful of the context) and you will see benefits. stop worrying about doing it right or wrong. you're doing it right if you refocus your attention. if your attention wanders it's not a sign that you're doing it wrong, that's literally what meditation is, the practice of refocusing back on your breath. don't over complicate it.

  • this reminds me of that pic of the corporate dude taking ayahuasca and thinking of all kinds of new marketing ideas. it almost feels like "abortion, but on the blockchain" is literally one of the phrases in that pic, i'll have to see if i can find it

    here it is, i was wrong but that quote literally fits