Myaccountgothacked [none/use name]

  • 11 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2020


  • Shock and Awe was the worst thing this country has done during my life. And we celebrated it like it was the Olympics. Disgusting.

    All the chuds and some liberals who supported the war used to get upset that we didn’t throw ticker tape parades like we used to for the troops in WWII.

  • I read a book on the dark web. The one that still keeps me up at night is there’s a site where you can creat very specific conditions of someone’s death and then people can bet on what date it will happen on and if the exact circumstances happen and it’s on that date the better gets the money. Pretty much a decentralized assassin.

    Edit: I like to be gender neutral. Is there a better phrase for hitman?

  • Myaccountgothacked [none/use name]
    tomainDigital Nomads
    4 years ago

    That’s true. I have made a lot of friends, but I always lose touch with them. Having a support circle is important, but it’s tough to build when you don’t stick it out somewhere.

    Thank you for that reminder. I don’t have a tight nit group of friends right now, but if I keep moving I’ll never be able to build that.

  • Myaccountgothacked [none/use name]
    tomainDigital Nomads
    4 years ago

    Yeah I’ve moved more times than years I’ve been alive. It almost feels natural to be moving at the end of the lease each year.

    I have been completely unproductive during covid because my mind is just all over the place. I smoked so much weed that I finally quit and am working through that understanding how I lived as an addict for most of the past 8 years. And how to make sure I never go down that route again.

    I can see how remote work can become extremely isolating and as someone who enjoys isolation to unhealthy degree I could see that not being a good thing for me. That’s also why I love moving though. It forces me to get to know people and be more social.

  • Myaccountgothacked [none/use name]
    tomainDigital Nomads
    4 years ago

    Yeah it’s really tough to navigate. I’ve been struggling with it for a while. My line of work totally shut down due to covid so now I think I’m going to have to work for some corporation, non-profit, or government agency.

    I want to lead my life with a revolutionary purpose and I just don’t know what that really looks like.

  • Myaccountgothacked [none/use name]
    tomainDigital Nomads
    4 years ago

    I totally get that point of view. I enjoy working with people in person and building connections, but I don’t enjoy most people in the states. So I would be spending more time with people I enjoyed being around and when I went to the grocery store and existed in the world my presence would be celebrated instead of just another number. I notice this whenever I travel. Other cultures are so much warmer. They smile more. They’re grateful. They’re excited to get to know you even if they just met you.

  • Myaccountgothacked [none/use name]
    tomainDigital Nomads
    4 years ago

    I have the skills to get paid well and do remote work or even go to a place and work and get paid pretty well for the work I enjoy doing. Like the idea of traveling for half the year and then working at home the other half sounds wonderful, but also am I taking away from what I’m trying to build?

  • Myaccountgothacked [none/use name]
    tomainDigital Nomads
    4 years ago

    thanks for the reply. Really appreciate it.

    I feel like I’m not providing value when I don’t stay in a place for very long. No way to build strong mutual aid or unionize your workplace or really do much that leads to revolution. Kinda feels like running away instead of just gritting your teeth and doing the work, but the other half of my brain says fuck that do what you want and go enjoy life.

    Life is challenging and I’m constantly second guessing myself. Leading to less and less action.

  • Myaccountgothacked [none/use name]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Ugh I’ll never forget that night. It was heartbreaking. Bombs dropping looking like fireworks in LA for the 4th with no bombs coming back. And then the pictures the next few days of devastated families in ruins. And then it just continued...

    I remember turning on the local news and every night the first story was how many troops died in the fight for “The War on Terror.” And you knew that meant ten times as many Iraqis died. And they would never give those numbers. And it wasn’t troops we were killing, it was “insurgents.” Aka regular ass people.

    If it’s bothering you too much, just put it away. It’s not worth the anguish. We murdered 2.5 million people for no reason. Any stories told about what happened are going to be brutal.