Null [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined il y a 4 ans
Cake day: 26 juillet 2020

  • Ok DnD Greg is an "eat the rich" social democrat or maybe a ML depending on his level of radicalization.

    Sci-Fi Greg is a Trotskyist who sells papers at conventions.

    Open Source Greg is some kind of libertarian but like with some more leftist postions. Maybe a mutualist or something adjacent.

    Japanese Culture Greg is hard to pin down. He seems like kind of a chill dude, I feel like he's more of a centrist/apolitical guy. Maybe slightly conservative but not particularly invested in anything ideological.

  • What feels refreshing about this series is that it shows the revolutionaries as complicated individuals who are compelled to act in morally questionable ways while still making it clear that they're unambiguously the good guys. I guess it's hard to both sides when one is the Evil Empire. Just nice to see modern media that isn't explicitly counter revolutionary.

  • Just recently started running 5ks to get to where I volunteer because the bus suck ATM. I ran a half marathon back in 2019 and planned to do a full in 2020 but obviously that didn't happen. I've stayed in pretty decent cardio shape over the pandemic but not to where I was when I was training regularly with people. It's honestly hard to motivate myself when I don't have groups to run with.