TheMilkman [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2020

  • TheMilkman [he/him]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    These are the same people that expect to get a mass movement of workers. Imagine these fuckers actually organizing, but instead they alienate 90% of the people they try to recruit because they cancel them for eating some cheap shit like a corndog or something.

  • I especially hate it when people use this as an excuse for their militia larp. Often times I see reactionaries or even leftist try to invoke the Viet Cong as to why civil war in the imperial heartland would be so easy. Like no half you people would just die on the first month to fucking disease you caught while hiding in the hills. That's also implying american drones didn't already take you out.

    Civil War ain't gonna be easy y'all, plenty of Vietnamese comrades died fighting against the American Empire, and they had entire military infrastructure and experience fighting foreign invaders. This is also removing the all the new information tech the military has. Militism requires more than just a bunch of dudes with AKs, we'll need to consider the fact that we're in the core of the empire and we'll face the full might of it here.

  • I think it has a lot to do with better paying jobs and being able to live the American dream. My uncle when he moved out of my grandparent's home was able to land a nice job in a factory and managed to start his own construction business. People who're able to live a nice and secure life, even under a disgusting system like capitalism, are never going to risk all of that during a labor strike. If anything they're more likely to take up arms to defend the status quo to defend their material wealth.