TheOwlReturns [comrade/them]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2021

  • Love may just be the willingness and ability to understand someone in their entirety. A tendency to the intimate interaction with the deeper conscious and unconscious components of a person. But in a way that is good, not obsessive or destructive, for all parties involved. Romantic love is just the same, but within the context of biological attraction, sensuality and maybe physical intimacy or another kind of 'special' intimacy. Everything else involved is social contracts, the boundaries we put on our own love, and on other people's love. At least I think so. Maybe falling in love is just the beginning process of love, which is the establishment and the discovery of love with a person, being, or thing. That might be all I know about it.

  • There is no capitalist solution to climate change, only feel good ideas to buy into. Until material conditions change dramatically I doubt people in the west will change their minds, and most likely they will find the solution to be that the US and the west wages war to obtain resources and maintain their standard of living. The voting block of older Gen x and Boomers is accepting the end of the world the same way they are accepting their own mortality, putting it off and ignoring it, at least in my observation. When ever I bring up climate apocalypse, I just get called a "bummer". Like yeah, it's gonna be a BIG bummer. But that doesn't matter to them, they just want to live comfortably for like 20 more years and then die.

  • TheOwlReturns [comrade/them]tothe_dunk_tankWut
    1 year ago

    These libs will be shouting "buttery males! It wouldn't have happened if you Bernie bros didn't vote for the green party in florida!" While the fascists burn their house down for driving a prius.

  • I mean "how" could we see them? Seeing is just a mechanism through which the cones in the eye produce an electromagnetic signal to the brain. Maybe we have more or larger cones? Bigass radar dish eyes that are not movable within a socket?

  • This is the common sense position held almost unanimously among all of the senior (ACTUALLY senior, not 4 years out of school senior that everyone seems to be now, I am talking hairy eared senior) software engineers I have ever worked with. Everyone is obsessed with the sexy new frameworks/etc, they think that all problems can be solved with new interpretations of what the problem "is". In reality, the problem is that a rotating team of 4 to 6 developers have to continuously fix one or two pieces of software over and over, and how to make that even remotely possible is such a massive challenge it is truly a wonder that anything ever works at all.