Vostok [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2020

  • mfw the baseless accusations of russian involvement become so baseless and that even randoms with twitter accounts aren't able to claim any thing more than "possible kremlin asset".

    "possible kremlin asset" in the same way it's possible my toaster is spying on me on behalf of Zimbabwe lmao

  • Vostok [he/him]tonews*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    I love how the focus is on the app going off all the time and not, you know, the fact that it's only doing that because you got exposed to a virus that's killed 120,000 people in the UK alone

  • Vostok [he/him]tourbanism*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    Well that's probably the core difference in the UK, most oversized/heavy loads that you might need on a sight just gets delivered by the manufacturer so there's no need to try to load a pallet into your work van.

  • Vostok [he/him]tourbanism*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    There are absolutely a lot of good reasons for people working in rural areas to want a pickup. These people who need these are also probably not the people driving brand new F250s, and are either using smaller, cheaper vehicles like the hilux or the ranger or substantially depreciated used models.

    Yes, there are people driving huge luxury vehicles disguised as manly tools to their office job even in the rural areas, but being that you've obviously never been to these areas, how exactly are you in a position to know that, ackshwally, they're all posers and don't need it?

  • hopping on here so I get notified if you get an answer here - very interested in Estonia as a future location to live but I've heard there's a lot of reactionary views around socialism so that kinda gives me some apprehension about it lol

  • As bad as I imagine them future will be, this isn't the end for humans. It will certainly be the end for many people, particularly in those areas already borderline for human habitation and even more so for those people in those areas that also happen to be within developing countries.

    We will see huge migration flows from these areas to the north and south where the climate is still liveable, and will see substantial reductions in the volume of food produced. This will lead to bread riots and the like, but it's not like we don't already produce far more food than we need, we just waste most of it so I imagine food prices will rise and more of the 'damaged' produce will make it to shelves.

    We'll probably also see a reassessment of what technology is needed to produce goods and a dramatic fall in the production of new products, made of purpose built components with a much larger share of both the products made and the tools used to make them being made of repurposed/reclaimed components.

    It won't be an easy change and the who thing will be stained with blood as the capitalists won't let these changes happen without kicking and screaming, but in the end I hope it will work out for the best?

  • Vostok [he/him]tothe_dunk_tankThey did the meme
    3 years ago

    Well it's all part of that internalised misogyny you see with those "no I'm one of the boys, girls are so bitchy" type people isn't it. They just rationalise away these attacks as "I'm sure she was asking for it, probably lead them on or is lying about it - I'm not like those idiots, I'll be fine".

    So desperate for the approval of hyper masculine men to sate their daddy issues they'll risk rape and murder, very cool.

  • Vostok [he/him]toaskchapo*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    grey cold weather can be sorted with a hoodie, if it's too hot there's not a lot you can do other than run from AC unit to AC unit or just sit and sweat like a pig :stress:

  • Vostok [he/him]topoliticsClash of galaxy brains
    3 years ago

    Brother, I warn you here that you are wrong, and I see that we will not turn you away from this. I say again pleas stop ...

    I refuse to believe that there are actually people in this world who speak like that lmao

  • IDK how helpful this is, but I recently got an ali mechanical numberpad for number crunching, but I'm pleasantly surprised by it. It's got some cheap mx blue style switches, and the default caps were super cheapy but the typing experience is pretty good so far, comparable to cherries to my uncultured fingers at least.

    Don't know how long the tactile bump will last though, I got one of the kailh razer keyboards a few years back and gaming on that for 8 years has really done the tactile bumps in on the left side. probably still worth it though, off brand switches are pretty cheap and replacements can be put in pretty easy.

  • Vostok [he/him]topoliticsAAA+ journalism right there
    3 years ago

    "Yeah, we realised actually it's a lot easier to just write about events that you wished were happening than going to the trouble of actually investigating stuff and reporting real things, so we've decided we're just gonna do that from now on"

  • Mate you don't need to believe in capitalism and the free market to know that that would be preferable to what they had before. As unsustainable capitalism is, a state entirely reliant on imports and who's only export is a fossil fuel is even less sustainable. Without diversification KSA would just straight up collapse in a decade or two when the decline of oil gets too much.

    I (and probably OP as well I'd imagine) despise both systems and would obviously rather see a socialist state but in the context of the KSA, that's just wasted breath to talk about. If you were talking about how the KSA would continue to exist (which he was) then diversifying the economy into a market system is the only way forward from the perspective of the house of Saud.