I once saw someone do this and most of the links were back to text posts, by that same user, on a subreddit also created by that same user. The comment was upvoted.
Was it that liberal lunatic running r/RussiaLago or whatever the fuck?
log off. tell everyone you know to log off. every hour spent on the bird site brings you and the world closer to death.
The context of the internet draws the horizon of possibility in to your bedroom door before you've even begun. Everyone online is more woke in terms of knowledge at hand than ever before, and yet somehow more disconnected and less dangerous than ever before. I'm not saying it's easy, or that no good whatsoever can ever come of posting, just that the pathways available for your psychic energies to travel online are already recuperated, and if you have nothing left to devote to Real Life, we're doomed.
The effort posting paradox. All the best thoughtful posts get the least engagement. If you go to the twitter analytics page they literally tell you to use images because people engage with them more.
write a long effort post over a picture of a cat in size 10 font
Those living in the imperial core have a lot to lose by accepting the realities of the system that they participate in.
I'm not exactly a third-worldist, but I'm also not at all surprised by the difficulties the left has building wider support in the imperial core.
If a revolution takes off in Amerika, it will not be lead by anyone that views themselves as middle class. That is predictably most online debate-bros.
Okay fine, you got me, I'm a third-worldist. Was trying to sneak some ideology in there.
Americans are brainwashed to the point where they can only learn in sales pitch format. Meaning, if you can't explain to them why anarchism is good for them in a couple sentences, you're fucked.
While I'm not discounting the problems you have layed out in your post, every one of them is less "People don't like to read anything anymore" and more the internets very own social media driven debate culture where only the 1 - 5 line zingers count anymore.
Everyone on reddit could read those paragraphs, because they all watch 3 hour video game essays and read an entire sunday of convoluted warhammer lore. They tell you it's too much text because the primary objective of reddit or any social media is not to engage in thoughtful discussions, it is to own the other person.
And as humans are prone to do things efficiently, why bother reading any post if "lol too long" (or any number of FALLACY!1!!) post gets the same attention.
You can still debate with people, even in text form. Social Media is not the place to do it. Social Media is where you slam dunk chuds. Hate the Player and the Game, for obvious reasons, just don't expect the Game to function according to rules that you'll never push through.
This is not a comment on the greater effects of social media on society.
This is why trolling and dunking are so effective. It's not about convincing people. It's about making the other side look stupid and lame so that people are sympathetic to you. The theory comes later.
It's a process. The dunking gets them through the door and potentially receptive.
I once got told by a top webnovel writer not to bother doing character 'bios' (which already cringed me) longer than a paragraph because 'most people don't read them anyway'. I'm not sure who is worse, the audience for skimming it or said writer for abetting it.
Maybe but if that's who you're trying to engage with it's on the person trying to reach them to figure out how to do it
It's not a question of blame it's a practical issue around it being easier to change your behavior than to change other people's