WorkingClassOilBaron [they/them]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2020


  • there had been more than fifty arrests of demonstrators as we left the square. The IMSI catchers had conducted a census of all the phones in the neighborhood that night and the back-end had opened tickets with the Ministry of Communications to pull all the calling records to produce a social graph and mark out highly connected nodes, then run an information-cascade analysis: that was a cute machine-learning trick that tried to identify leaders - formal or informal - by looking at people whose communications produced "cascades" of activity: Alice calls Bob, who then calls Carol and Dan and Eve and Faith, so Alice is the boss and Bob is her lieutenant

    Cory Doctorow, Attack Surface

  • WorkingClassOilBaron [they/them]togamesAmber
    4 years ago

    I was planning on playing but I installed it and it turns out that it has both a kernel-mode anti-tamper/anti-cheat device packaged with it AND a hard framerate cap at 60fps. I can't even patch it to get rid of the cap because it trips the anticheat >:(