WujHuj [none/use name]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 27th, 2022

  • WujHuj [none/use name]tonewsUkraine-Russia Megathread 6
    3 years ago

    The issue is that if he gives in too much, the next president elected might be more antagonistic to Russia, which would be counterproductive in this regard. People have lost their homes, family members, etc. and they want revenge. The best compromise would be to address the issue off Eastern Ukraine through a referendum or giving them autonomous status as the current structure off Ukraine has the oblasts having minimal power over their goverance.

  • WujHuj [none/use name]tonewsUkraine-Russia Megathread 6
    3 years ago

    Was the reference to Nazi militias really necessary? Dehumanization is happening on both ends, but the majority off Ukrainians fighting right now are not Neo-Nazis. Are there Neo-Nazi elements in the country sure, but to paint Ukrainian citizens dying as some "Volkssturm" is very unnecessary.

  • WujHuj [none/use name]tonewsUkraine-Russia Megathread 6
    3 years ago

    Are you that daft? Yes, because then it would justify sanctions and measures that would hurt the majority off Russian civilians since they "support" the war.

    I am gonna ask you the same thing, are you Russian? You seem to posture like an expert on Russia so i assumed you were one. If not, Oh so you’re like every other expert on Russia: don’t understand the language, culture, or politics but then lash out when a Russian person tells you that you are wrong. interesting tendency imo

    Like I said, find me a Russian source on this and not CNN shit that want to see Russian people suffer. Good luck with that

  • WujHuj [none/use name]tonewsUkraine-Russia Megathread 6
    3 years ago

    The war is incredibly unpopular in Russia, even the members off the communist party has come out and said that the war needs to stop. Will Russia get Luhansk and Donetsk, sure, but Russia is also in need off this finishing quickly.

  • WujHuj [none/use name]tonewsUkraine-Russia Megathread 6
    3 years ago

    Kiev, Kharkiv, and Mariupol are all incredbibly close to the borders, Kiev is only 150 km from the Belarussian border, hence why getting Belarus on their side was important. It's not that they have gone far into Ukraine, it's that they just didn't need to go far in the first place to hit the major cities. If they were in Lviv, then we could say they have gone far

    Ukraine is a flat country mostly, the ability to defend is not the greatest

  • WujHuj [none/use name]tonewsUkraine-Russia Megathread 5
    3 years ago

    I said there was some misunderstanding in what he thinks I was saying as he was rambling about some centuries old border disputes and thinking I was referencing that, which I wasn't. "modern PRC leadership wants to put aside the historical secondary contradictions" when I didn't even mention that nor was that a subject off anything I said.

  • WujHuj [none/use name]tonewsUkraine-Russia Megathread 5
    3 years ago

    My man really wrote a fanfic about "Mutual respect, warmth, and increasing ideological alignment" China is gonna make decisions that are beneficial for themselves, at the detriment off others, just like everyone else. China needs energy and raw materials that they lack, they are don't particular give a fuck about the Russian people. They were antagonistic to Russians at the beginning off the pandemic, they just share similar ideas in regards to geopolitics.

    One off these days China is gonna come and save Russia by spreading socialism, probably when hell freezes over.

  • WujHuj [none/use name]tonewsUkraine-Russia Megathread 5
    3 years ago

    Lol Russia is fucked if this is true. No one wants to trade in RMB, not even Chinese companies, but if this happens, then the Chinese have the Russians by the balls. The Chinese government is no friends to Russia, just have mutual enemies. They are gonna make profits off Russia and get cheap source off natural resources.