No I can’t
No I can’t
I just like Tarenteno, the Coen Brothers, and Moulin Rouge ok?
Honestly I think doing things via reconciliation just takes longer because the porcessssssssss. But it was a massive failure on Biden’s part not to have his press team effectively communicate that it was going to take time because they had to avoid the filibuster because McConnell is a fuck.
Don't make fun of my wife.
Money printer go buuuuuuuuuggghhhhkkkkkkkkkkk ka-tick ka-tick ka-tick ka-tick ppppppfffffft 💨 :angery:
So does Michael Bay. He had a scene in Transformers age of extinction about why it’s ok that a characters fucking an underage girl. If that isn’t vaguely libertarian ideology I don’t know what is.
I hate to be a snob, but calling the over indulgent shit Snyder craps out auteur film is a bit of a stretch. A bunch of drooling morons on the Internet who think he’s a genius provided Warner’s with a big enough market that they were willing to release an over bloated unedited mess that was true to Snyder’s “vision”, I wouldn’t say that makes him an auteur. Most auteur film knows how to use editing well and is a result of the director having more creative control than the studio. In this case Snyder didn’t have more control than the studio, the studio saw an opportunity to appeal to a market without spending much money and they took it.
It said the information isn’t available yet or I’m not eligible. Which who knows I think I should be but maybe I got screwed in the fine print.
Immediately in two months.
On a side note the “Why Europe will choose the US over China” one is quite interesting because it presents Europe as a monolith. Some of the more exploited European countries aren’t as firmly in the corner as one may think, but it’s really a matter of getting out of the Franco-German Sphere before the American one.
To be fair he was ahead of Boris for a bit there.
Mine Gott they did. What kind of liberals are they?
It varies from moment to moment
Trying to convince myself to work out and resisting the urge to munch. Might have an apple.
Edit: Good news I worked out
I’m so fuckin stoned my brains turned into egg drop soup
He’s made me discover lots of things about myself. So he’s an educator in a way
I still work sadly.
Bless those lads
Yeah it should’ve been monthly checks but that would’ve raised the bar too high.