• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • "I'm making 50k". Great, now I have to guess - dollars? Monthly? Yearly? If yearly then what's the monthly paycheck? Net? Gross?

    I mean surely it's obvious in that example, no?


    If that's the native currency wherever you are, then of course dollars

    Monthly? Yearly?

    $50k/month about be $600k/year. Pretty sure you'd be able to tell if the person you're talking to made half a million dollars a year vs just above the poverty line (in the US at least) just from context, but when in doubt - it's probably safe to assume that the person you're talking to isnt in the top 1% of earners

    If yearly then what's the monthly paycheck?

    Yearly divided by 12? If you're in a hurry and want a rough estimate just chop a number off the right and that'll get you to within ~10% of the correct value

    Net? Gross?

    I've literally never heard anyone give their salary as gross outside the context of financial planning, and even then they'll always specify "after taxes" or something similar.

    Other comments go into plenty of detail about why they se various conventions are what they are (yearly vs monthly, net vs gross, etc(

  • Tbf, "learned a language" is a hard thing to pin down in any case.

    I've been building enterprise software with python for almost a decade now. I still occasionally find stuff in the stdlibs that I didn't know about, or even sometimes some subtle feature of the language that I never had reason to explore until now.

    If someone asks me if I "learned" python, id say hell yeah - but there's always still plenty to learn

    That being said, no reasonable definition of learned includes what you could do in 2 days, even as an experienced dev lol

  • Most would agree with your point - right up until you suggest that having an "uncorrupt government" is remotely possible.

    Pretty much the same level of unrealistic idealism as folks who think it's remotely possible to transition a state to communism without it turning into authoritarianism.

    There, now I've pissed off everyone lol

    Edit: Except, I guess for the hardcore capitalists, but I assume those guys are all too dumb to read, so no point, really 🤷

  • The guy who wrote the lemmy software is the same guy who runs lemmygrad. All of lemmy is “tankie bullshit”. I suggest you go back to reddit to be safe from us.

    TIL that open source software is inextricably tied to it's creators political beliefs..

    Sorry bud, but despite tankies on this site being really fucking loud and argumentative, you're drastically outnumbered by newer members who have no relation to lemmygrad or other tanky instances.

    No fediverse social media site "belongs" to it's creator or their beliefs, that's literally the whole point. If you want a site where it's creators are able to enforce their beliefs on their users, maybe you should go back to traditional social media

  • yes - but at least there you could argue that it's a historical relic.

    I don't think anyone could reasonably argue that the attitude that men are smarter than women (or at least, better at chess) didn't exist previously, and that's why they leagues are setup this way. But it's one thing to not change existing policies rooted in sexism, and another entirely to create new policies rooted in sexism.

    The former happens literally all the time, because large institutions are slow to change, and even though blatant sexism is no longer socially acceptable, it's still prevalent in peoples' heads. When the latter happens, it understandably causes more uproar, because it's an active move towards more sexist policies.

    Don't get me wrong, we should absolutely get rid of gender based leagues IMO and switch to having leagues based on ability (whatever the critical ability might be for the competition in question) and call it a day - that would solve both the sexism issue and the trans issue, as there would no longer be any "unfair advantages". What genitals a person was born with - whether they kept them or not - shouldn't impact how you're allowed to compete especially in an activity like chess that has no reasonable basis for gender separation in the first place

  • but not because people like these companies

    idk if it's a general trend, or just in my family - but all my hyper-conservative relatives are all huge Disney fanatics - I'm talking trips to the parks multiple times a year, Disney Cruises at least once a year, all the merch, movies, etc. Sure they whine about how "woke" the movies have gotten, but they still fucking love that damn mouse

  • And you would be entirely correct - if insurance companies acted in good faith, the reality however, is that they don't. Your comments are already littered with replies of people giving you examples that they've personally experienced of carefully constructed exclusions meaning that they can't actually claim their policy.

    I have no doubt that there are people out there for whom travel insurance has saved their ass, but I know from my own experience in the industry that the far more common experience for policy holders is to wind up with the insurance company finding a reason to not pay up, and now you're left both with the cost of the emergency, as well as the cost of the policy.

    Like I said, it's your money, and I'm certainly not going to give a shit if you keep buying travel insurance policies, hell - people buying insurance policies pay my salary (though i don't work in travel insurance any longer)

  • Why would you not get that? That seems like such a stupid risk not to get that.

    Pretty much for all the reasons I said in my comment - you'll almost certainly spend more on premiums for travel insurance than you'll ever claim (this is true of all insurance) and the expenses incurred by self-insuring are generally manageable. Even in the two situations you refer to, we're "only" talking about costs of a few thousand, and both of those are highly unlikely events that most people go their whole lives not dealing with. you're much better off putting the money you'd spend on that travel insurance into an emergency fund to cover those kinds of unexpected expenses.

    Insurance is only a good financial call if you risk completely bankrupting yourself by not having insurance, otherwise you're just trading potential lump sum costs for small continuous costs, and the premiums will generally always wind up being more than what you're saving (because if they weren't, then the Insurance companies wouldn't be making so much money).

    That being said, it's your money, if you'd rather accept that you're paying more over a lifetime on travel insurance than you're saving just to have the peace of mind that you won't have to dip into savings for any incident that happens before or during the trip (assuming your incident doesn't fall under one of the many carefully crafted exclusions that the insurance companies add to their policies to prevent paying out, which it probably will), then by all means, buy it - but if you're buying it because you think it's the financially savy move, and you have at least a few grand in your bank account for emergencies, then you're kidding yourself.

  • not chatGPT - but I tried using copilot for a month or two to speed up my work (backend engineer). Wound up unsubscribing and removing the plugin after not too long, because I found it had the opposite effect.

    Basically instead of speeding my coding up, it slowed it down, because instead of my thought process being

    1. Think about the requirements
    2. Work out how best to achieve those requirements within the code I'm working on
    3. Write the code

    It would be

    1. Think about the requirements
    2. Work out how best to achieve those requirements within the code I'm working on
    3. Start writing the code and wait for the auto complete
    4. Read the auto complete and decide if it does exactly what I want
    5. Do one of the following depending on 4 5a. Use the autocomplete as-is 5b. Use the autocomplete then modify to fix a few issues or account for a requirement it missed 5c. Ignore the autocomplete and write the code yourself

    idk about you, but the first set of steps just seems like a whole lot less hassle then the second set of steps, especially since for anything that involved any business logic or internal libraries, I found myself using 5c far more often than the other two. And as a bonus, I actually fully understand all the code committed under my username, on account of actually having wrote it.

    I will say though in the interest of fairness, there were a few instances where I was blown away with copilot's ability to figure out what I was trying to do and give a solution for it. Most of these times were when I was writing semi-complex DB queries (via Django's ORM), so if you're just writing a dead simple CRUD API without much complex business logic, you may find value in it, but for the most part, I found that it just increased cognitive overhead and time spent on my tickets

    EDIT: I did use chatGPT for my peer reviews this year though and thought it worked really well for that sort of thing. I just put in what I liked about my coworkers and where I thought they could improve in simple english and it spat out very professional peer reviews in the format expected by the review form