bortsampson [he/him, any]

  • 1 Post
Joined 17 days ago
Cake day: September 1st, 2024

  • I could totally see it. I had the mats luckily and I wore NewBalances with 2 stacks of gels and thick gym socks. I also worked the deli counter. Since I was the only one that could lift the big logs of meats and cheese they always had me cleaning and refreshing the backbar area (basically an open fridge you load from the top and sits about waist height). I remember saving my breaks for when the searing pain in my feet and back was just about to make me drop. Fucking 8.25/hr. I stole EVERYTHING I could.

  • Just install Mint or Kubuntu and grab Steam. I can hook you up with useful KDE(kubuntu gui) right click action menu scripts that I use for everything Windows had but Kubuntu was missing. If you go the Mint route most of them are already there for you. AppImages and Deb files behave like exe installers. Just like Windows you will run into issues but someone here could probably help you out. My Grandma could barely use Windows after XP and took to Mint like a pro.

  • It's all good. I have zero issue with reducing the traffic in the city. They are incredibly dangerous within cities. It's just really hard in skyscremovedr dense neighborhoods to eliminate adhoc services without providing some kind of replacement beforehand. I don't understand the rationale of driving a car into Manhattan if you can avoid it. They already have plenty of public transit. I haven't lived in Manhattan for 20 years and NYC for 10 so I don't know how bad it is now. But like, it can't be that bad.

  • The venue should be eqing your vocals if it's not a coffee shop, basement, or just diy thing. You can do work with eq's but if you are running a mic through a keyboard amp you are not gonna get far. I've been there. They are not the worst but I would rather go right from my vox mix into a real PA. General rule of thumb I was taught for live sound mixing is "If a mic sounds bad without eq something else is very wrong". You may make sound better at a cost but it won't help that much. The roland amp has built in eq. Who knows where those eq lp, bp, and hp frequencies are tuned to though.

  • If you have an iphone get a camera kit, a cheap usb interface that has a mixer on it (get one with a send), and use effects from Valhalla. You'll need a host app for the plug in. Theres a few but one of them should be free and allow you to save your setup as a preset. Run the mic into the mixer and put the iphone on the send. Valhalla plugins should be wet. Don't bother with delay in a live setting. It gets too fucking messy. Use one of the Valhalla verbs. Set to 100 wet. Tweak to taste. If you have an iphone this setup is like 200bucks max used and is very stable. You also can add more effects down the line to your chain should you want to. Light compression/limiting can be helpful. Careful with eqing. If you are eqing vocals in a live setting the problem is your mic or how you are holding it. Do less with effects and focus on technique.