“Literacy” was always the most basic tool of totalitarian propaganda. If you are not literate you can’t be fed communist propaganda. The most steadfast anti-communist I knew in my childhood was my maternal grandfather who was illiterate. Communist propaganda did not reach him
... well thats Marx, they say, 'thats Marx,' I mean I hear this all the time, I say you know I dont think US policy is so innocent, I mean you know we're out there helping and, 'well thats Marx' and I say oh well that guy Marx was really something you know? Here I am knocking myself out trying to make an analysis of something they give him the credit. Its pretty good, and then I realized something, that wasnt Marx, that wasnt Parenti, that was reality, thats what it was, reality happens to be Marxist.
Best communist propaganda is reality, lol.
Even the quote tells on itself, there are and were illiterate comrades out there.
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