what's online therapy like compared to irl therapy?
not really just do you
who cares
what do you call someone who only takes interest in something because they feel it will lead to a relationship
yeah i used to play fortnite on the switch
haha yeah never mention elder scrolls in one of my posts ever again.
yer don't know much about bpd but hang in ther
do you get any other bad thoughts like these? Asking cos I have OCD and I would get fears that would just keep manifesting themselves inhibiting my ability to do stuff like cooking or eating. It's not too bad now i'm on meds but if this is something that impacts your life then maybe seek help.
i put in like 3 points cos i think fugs requires 18 dex
why is the main character called mud doob
i have the same ult as orisa from ow. I remember being in a job and none of us knew that we were being tailed by a cop who alrady reported us and called for backup. As soon as that happened I ulted and my whole team got a damage boost. We killed like 56 cops and it was like 1 of 3 of the best times of my life
Another mega where I don't feel like posting anything funny but also because i've forgotten how to be funny :dean-smile: :sleepless:
i'm going to try to be american by getting injured and being put on oxys which then turns to h addiction + ammasing huge ammounts of hospital debt I gotta move to another state where I get high and remain homeless until one cold night i die of hypothermia cos i stayed out too long after night cos i was getting high outside a mcdonalds
you need money for drug and when you're an addict life is shit
if it means anything i left an awkward voice message for a potential therapist to get the ball rolling.