fashhunter [he/him]

  • 10 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2020

  • What's the actual risk to like normal office workers? Assuming people are abiding by 6ft rule and wearing masks when appropriate (all the time?). Or like going to the store and wearing a mask? I'm not going to restaurants or bars or gatherings, but only wearing a regular mask when going to the store etc.

    Basically, should we be stocking up and avoid going outside for winter?

  • fashhunter [he/him]tomainInceldom: the world map
    4 years ago

    who the hell has time to fuck?

    everyone is super tired after work, have shit to do, have shit to worry about and are on SSRIs. and that's if you're lucky enough to be in a relationship

  • fashhunter [he/him]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    This Labour party shit is so fucking sad. They fucking did our boy in and at the same time hurt many many people including the Jewish members they say they want to fight for. Also seeing Keir up there, taking some sort of moral high ground when the cunt literally did a hit and run a few days ago.

  • fashhunter [he/him]tomainAOC still gets it.
    4 years ago

    AOC has been the perfect indicator that we need to work far, far, far away from the democratic party. You're right, they haven't moved a bit and have nothing but contempt for her. It's a lost cause. Let the party rot, let electoral politics be a minor focus and build our own shit from the ground up.

  • Go to Scotland, see who plays golf regularly, it's the working class. They play at good old links courses, that are often cheap and accessible.

    Hyper luxury golf with the carts, perfect greens and a 10 course meal at the end can fuck off. 18 holes on a windy links course with a pint and a pie at the end? bliss.

  • fashhunter [he/him]
    tomainRevolutionary Discipline
    4 years ago

    I'm starting to make small changes with 'being ready' in mind. The eating / cooking part I should really make an effort of learn. I love the idea of growing produce (my wife grew peppers and tomatoes this year) but I don't really know how to cook with produce/ decent ingredients.

  • I don't know how anyone walks away from these debates thinking that Biden and Trump even exist in the real world. They have no fucking clue and offer no solutions. Literally all we ask for is peace, land and bread. FUCK.