
Source: https://twitter.com/Nicky_Pelosi/status/1557197523810394113

  • Soap_Owl [any]
    2 years ago

    Finestine has age appropriate cognative decline and eats a bunch of Xans on top so she will basically sign anything she is handed. Her staff are running her office weekend at bernie's style for a cut of the bribes.

    • iThinkImDumb [any]
      2 years ago

      and eats a bunch of Xans

      Is there any source, proof or even noted speculation that she's on benzos? I wouldn't doubt it if she was, I'm just curious.

      • Soap_Owl [any]
        2 years ago

        Some people talked about it vut nothing concrete. Shitty rich people always do way too many drugs though. It would be weird if she didn't