poke_dex [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 4th, 2020

  • we live in hell https://twitter.com/pareene/status/1365112233362137090?s=20

    to simplify: If the vice president says, "parliamentarian is wrong," you need 60 votes to overrule her. So 40 votes to keep minimum wage increase in the bill and 50+1 to pass it. If Sinema or Manchin sink the whole thing over it there's literally no hope for passing anything.


  • Finally got power back after three days without it in Texas :doomjak: at the very least i had semi running water and a gas stove but god damn the entire experience was surreal and i for some reason had more hope during/after a hurricane had hit the state. it had gotten to a point where my roommates and I had started contemplating on rationing water bottles and bread bc there were grocery lines in the morning that stretched across the parking lots (and maybe I was in a daze but I had genuinely forgotten a pandemic was still happening). The fucking ghouls blaming this on wind energy and then that fucking piece of slab Ted Cruz fucking off to Cancun not even a day after it was made sure the rich will be fine was a little too much to take in at once.

    They really do not give a fuck about us.

  • poke_dex [he/him]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    bad news: my mother had to undergo surgery for some lung complications.

    semi-good news: surgery went well but now she is on a ventilator but showing good signs. please pray or send love for a full recovery. she is the nicest person I know and i don't what i will do if she is not here anymore. I hate the fact that i can't be beside her right now. fuck covid man.

  • but stonks go up so we must be right and the orange cheeto has been defeated :capitalist:

    but honestly what bothers me a lot about them is their indifference to foreign policy and how badly it affects the country we are essentially terrorizing for resources or just a show of power. It's up there for me on how Biden tweets every other day that America is back and then you see the cabinet picks which takes me down a deep dark imperialistic hole on how libs will justify anything especially if the result is brown lives getting affected.