ryansmith [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2021


  • ryansmith [he/him]toaskchapoHow do you cope in the dating world?
    3 years ago

    I'm old, so take what I say with a lot salt.

    I can't imagine anyone except the 4 guys per town who got infinite pussy thrown at them since they were 13 batting any kind of acceptable average on online dating.

    Men look like shit. Dating for men is all personality except the aforementioned 4 guys per town that were actually objectively attractive. Isn't possible to get personality across on the internet to a stranger.

    Like most advice you'll be given now a days, log off. Look for any way to be around women in a non-fuck atmosphere to build trust and bonds before taking the next step.

    I realize this sounds like the DENNIS system, I don't know man, I still think it's true. Sounds corny as fuck but volunteer, do lame hobby shit. Anything flesh to flesh.

  • I'm not trying to argue you're wrong, you're almost certainly right but where is this unimaginable giant stash of government owned child porn stored? How long has it been stored there? Have they only been collecting it since they realized this kind of thing could be possible? Who exactly in the government said "we are now collecting child porn", and when did they say it?

  • "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!' Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

    You are going to die, and everything you do, good or bad, will mean absolutely 100% nothing, given a relatively-not-that-long timespan.

    Unless your genetic line continues.

    Has it really never occurred to why the rich's #1 concern is setting up their genetic progeny?

    Not breeding is suicide, in a mid-macro sense. If the pain you feel is so great that you, as a genetic system, want to commit suicide, maybe you know what's best. Or maybe you're just fucking depressed and you need a few years to gain some perspective.

    Sorry I'm so aggro, nothing really to do with you, mainly aimed at myself, I've felt the same things before.

    Your parents fucked you over? I'm sorry friend, but you literally are your parents. You gotta forgive yourself and try and make sure you bend out of the abusive cycles, so you don't do it to yourself again. That answer is much harder than genetic suicide, I know.