Yesterday was intense for everyone. Some quick updates as of last night:

  • A large amount of the sitemod team has stepped away from the project. Other comrades from the community have volunteered to pitch in and been modded.
  • Some core devs also stepped away from the project. For the time being, you should not expect any further development of new features or bug fixes as we reassess our capacity.
  • Main has been locked. No immediate plans to unlock.
  • Registration is closed and will remain so for the time being.

We 100% understand and support everyone who left yesterday and are also looking forward to the next stage of Hexbear.

We're probably not going to be making any additional announcements or formal communication until after the weekend at the earliest. Thanks.

  • InternetLefty [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Good. Please don't worry about petulant children whining that their online day care has been run less smoothly than they demand. Take a deep breath and take your mind off of it for awhile. You've all deserved it

      • Importantguy123 [comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        At the risk of being stupid and sticking my neck out here: I think the OP is being more than a little disingenuous.

        Are there some users who might be acting a little overly dramatic right now? Yeah, it’s the internet, of course there are. But, I’d say that the vast majority of users are just frustrated with the trajectory that the site has been taking for the past couple months. I’m one of those users. Ever since the whole struggle session over the unilateral name change, I kinda got the bad feeling that things would only get worse from there...

        I’ve been increasingly turned off by the some of the admins’ “I’ll do what I want” attitude and just skirting around valid criticisms/expressions of fatigue by just banning folks. I think it’s counterproductive to the goals that you guys are trying aim for, and I think there should be some self reflection on that point.

        I understand you guys are volunteers, I get that you’re all grown ass adults who’re too old for this shit, but, as a long time subscriber to the old sub and a dude who’s been on the site since day one: the current approach straight up isn’t working. I hope the sites fortunes are able to do a complete 180 after the weekend is up.

        I also don’t intend for this message to be snarky or combative, these are just my genuine feelings

        • garbology [he/him]
          4 years ago

          the vast majority of users [...] the past couple months

          I disagree with this, I don't remember seeing any significant discontent until the VCJ Event started a week ago.

        • liberal [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          Yup. Part of what we're evaluating is whether we as group of volunteers can provide the labor necessary for the site and its community. Administering a site this size is a lot more work than any of us realized at the beginning.

          If we feel like the ask is too much, then we'll be stepping away. A number of people have already decided that.

          We don't blame folks for communicating what they need and also if we can't / aren't willing to do that than we also have every right to discontinue investing our labor and time.

          That's not intended as a spiteful statement, just more of a reiteration of the dynamic here. It goes both ways.

            • liberal [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              We'll try stuff out before pulling the plug entirely, but we have no interest in creating another 4chan by inaction.

              Some of the stuff we try will likely be anarchic. There is a very big difference betweem anarchism and "no rules post pics of dead kids".

              I realize you know that and am just clarifying.

        • InternetLefty [he/him]
          4 years ago

          The mods know what you want. But they can't give it to you, because they don't have the resources. Writing the same "well I just think that we need to do more THIS and not THIS" is just sanctimonious. Everyone is doing it, everyone is more or less on the same page about what needs to be done. It's one thing to identify a problem, it's another thing to fix it. Let's save the criticism for another more constructive time, eh?

          • Importantguy123 [comrade/them]
            4 years ago

            Writing the same “well I just think that we need to do more THIS and not THIS” is just sanctimonious. Everyone is doing it, everyone is more or less on the same page about what needs to be done. It’s one thing to identify a problem, it’s another thing to fix it. Let’s save the criticism for another more constructive time, eh?

            With all fairness to you dude, your OP isn't exactly "constructive", now is it? You were just basically painting anybody who had a problem with the moderation of the site as "petulant children" and acting as if there was no valid criticisms to be had. If you aren't exactly saying that/didn't intent to, you should've added some nuance to your post.

            Going: "You have no right to criticize anything unless you come up with an alternative vision" reeks of the same cop-out arguments chuds use when you criticize capitalism. It's not my god damn job to come up with a comprehensive blueprint on where to go from here. I don't know shit about coding, I don't know shit about moderating. If you wanna verify that fact yourself, you could look into my comment history and see the post I made unironically suggesting that the admins change the sitename in an effort to cut down on wreckers as if that would literally do anything. All I can do is give my opinion and hope for the best.

            Attempting to ingratiate yourself by kissing ass or pretending like there's no problem at all isn't gonna help fix the site's culture as much as you probably think it is dude. I made my opinion as tamely and respectfully as possible, and I see no fault's with liberal's response, if that rubs you the wrong way then idk what to say to you.

            • InternetLefty [he/him]
              4 years ago

              People are worried about creating an attractive community for users. What about creating an attractive community for volunteer moderators, admins and devs? I'd say that's equally as important

              • liberal [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                I completely agree and that is the kind of community we need to build for those comrades.

        • gray [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I understand you guys are volunteers, I get that you’re all grown ass adults who’re too old for this shit, but, as a long time subscriber to the old sub and a dude who’s been on the site since day one: the current approach straight up isn’t working. I hope the sites fortunes are able to do a complete 180 after the weekend is up.

          They're burnt the fuck out. I don't doubt that they'll come back sometime next week and productive discussions will be held over the future of the site.

          • liberal [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            This. Burn out at work we're all (unfortunately) used to, burn out for a passion project is something else entirely and soul sucking.

            • gray [he/him]
              4 years ago

              Take some time for yourself, I'm sure next week will be better. :Care-Comrade: