Importantguy123 [comrade/them]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2020


  • City subs are almost always reactionary cesspools because their mod teams and most "famous" posters are almost always undercover marketers trying to run good press for their respective city governments.

    When I used to post on the country club known as /r/Detroit, the mod team literally had the admins ban me for suggesting that the mods only allows certain posts or certain viewpoints to bubble to the top of the sub since I was "doxxing" them despite the fact that the information I posted literally came from the mods themselves and one of them is literally employed by the local chamber of commerce lmao (that specific mod also made a youtube video giving marketers tips on how to advertise on reddit since, according to him, "they're all sheep", and bro even used anti-capitalist subs to detect other marketing firm's techniques to capitalize on)

    Absolute blood suckers. They still won't let me back on after getting me banned at least 7 more times despite the fact that I actually fucking live here.

  • Importantguy123 [comrade/them]tonews*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Health update: after yelling at my doctor to look into it, it seems like I have a vitamin D deficiency. Apparently tho, he wants me to get a covid test since the symptoms I described to him tie in with a mild case of covid (which, doesn't make much sense to me, I haven't been out much, and when I worked in food service, I got the test twice, yet, they both came back negative).

    I want to get off of Mr Sam's wild healthcare ride

  • Importantguy123 [comrade/them]tomusicLast Nite
    4 years ago

    Writing the same “well I just think that we need to do more THIS and not THIS” is just sanctimonious. Everyone is doing it, everyone is more or less on the same page about what needs to be done. It’s one thing to identify a problem, it’s another thing to fix it. Let’s save the criticism for another more constructive time, eh?

    With all fairness to you dude, your OP isn't exactly "constructive", now is it? You were just basically painting anybody who had a problem with the moderation of the site as "petulant children" and acting as if there was no valid criticisms to be had. If you aren't exactly saying that/didn't intent to, you should've added some nuance to your post.

    Going: "You have no right to criticize anything unless you come up with an alternative vision" reeks of the same cop-out arguments chuds use when you criticize capitalism. It's not my god damn job to come up with a comprehensive blueprint on where to go from here. I don't know shit about coding, I don't know shit about moderating. If you wanna verify that fact yourself, you could look into my comment history and see the post I made unironically suggesting that the admins change the sitename in an effort to cut down on wreckers as if that would literally do anything. All I can do is give my opinion and hope for the best.

    Attempting to ingratiate yourself by kissing ass or pretending like there's no problem at all isn't gonna help fix the site's culture as much as you probably think it is dude. I made my opinion as tamely and respectfully as possible, and I see no fault's with liberal's response, if that rubs you the wrong way then idk what to say to you.

  • Importantguy123 [comrade/them]tomusicLast Nite
    4 years ago

    As I alluded to before: while the fiasco was shorter, the controversy surrounding the website's name change was the first example of what I'm talking about (don't know if that happened months ago, my sense of time is never very good)

  • Importantguy123 [comrade/them]tomusicLast Nite
    4 years ago

    At the risk of being stupid and sticking my neck out here: I think the OP is being more than a little disingenuous.

    Are there some users who might be acting a little overly dramatic right now? Yeah, it’s the internet, of course there are. But, I’d say that the vast majority of users are just frustrated with the trajectory that the site has been taking for the past couple months. I’m one of those users. Ever since the whole struggle session over the unilateral name change, I kinda got the bad feeling that things would only get worse from there...

    I’ve been increasingly turned off by the some of the admins’ “I’ll do what I want” attitude and just skirting around valid criticisms/expressions of fatigue by just banning folks. I think it’s counterproductive to the goals that you guys are trying aim for, and I think there should be some self reflection on that point.

    I understand you guys are volunteers, I get that you’re all grown ass adults who’re too old for this shit, but, as a long time subscriber to the old sub and a dude who’s been on the site since day one: the current approach straight up isn’t working. I hope the sites fortunes are able to do a complete 180 after the weekend is up.

    I also don’t intend for this message to be snarky or combative, these are just my genuine feelings

  • Not to sound like a shithead/wrecker but: it'd be nice to actually browse this website for more than a couple of days without asinine drama making the browsing experience miserable. This vegan drama is by far the dumbest, most unforced error that's happened so far. I feel like we're running of the risk of being as bland, overly serious, and joyless as those breadtube libs

  • Lmao @ the terminally lib /r/Brunchtube mods for ignoring my multiple, well mannered requests to approve my effortpost correcting Renegade Cut's FALC video for being straight-up unresearched and sectarian. I mean, I wrote the shit to be as self-aware and informative as possible. My main goal in writing the fucking thing was to encourage breatube libs to be more open to reading theory even though I've been pretty hard on them in the past for not doing so. You really can't win for losing.

    Your hourly reminder that /r/Breadtube was most likely set up to capitalize on a marketing demographic, the project itself is inherently uninterested in genuine critical/left analysis, and someone genuinely made fucking P_K's busybody ass a mod of the cursed sub... Idk if I'm stupid for unironically expecting a different outcome, but I'm disappointed none the less