I read the books this year because I wanted to feel pain, basically, and I wanted to be justified in disliking Harry Potter. I was not disappointed. However, I still don't understand how the fuck the end of the book worked. It was so harebrained and convoluted and sloppy as fuck that I don't know what actually happened. Am I stupid or was it a bad ending? And what the fuck happened? How did they actually kill Voldemort?

  • TemporalMembrane [she/her]
    4 years ago

    They're kids books. The worst thing that ever happened to the Harry Potter series was becoming a phenomenon and the people who read it as kids continuing to latch onto it as a neotonous soother as adults. I read plenty of kids books as a kid that don't "hold up" as an adult reader (like Maniac Magee or Holes or stuff like that). They don't hold up because they're meant for children. It's hard to completely blame all these adult fans of Harry Potter because between JK Rowling and Hollywood they were never given a second of breathing time away from this kids series to mature and reflect, Harry Potter kept releasing new films, a play, a different film series, and so on.