Join and make it less lib. It’s that easy.
The only way you’d make it more lib is if you think you’re more lib than DSA 😳 👀
To those of you requesting I move my posts proselytizing people about joining an organization over to /strugglesession I have but one thing to say:
Join an organization
To those who repeat the line “I believe in democratic centralism so I won’t join” I say: so do I. If that’s such a sticking point for you to not join DSA, which organization practicing democratic centralism are you currently a part of?
Do you think Lenin or Mao woke up one day with a perfectly structured organization laying at their feet comprised of only those who held similar beliefs to them? Of course they didn’t. They crafted and cultivated these organizations and revolutionary mindsets for decades before seeing the fruits of their labor. If you aren’t organizing you are not only not a revolutionary, you are a counterrevolutionary. Are you waiting for a perfect movement to be waiting at the foot of your bed one morning instead of putting in the labor to craft one you see as suitably revolutionary? Not to even scold you, but factually your absence from organization based on personal ideology favors only the capitalist and harms only your comrades.
I am under the discipline of a democratic-centralist organization, and I don't want to give that up in favor of the DSA.
As am I. Are you currently engaged in an organization that practices democratic centralism?
Yes, the Liberal Mountain Idaho Marxist-Leninist Reading Club. But seriously I'm not trying to join the DSA in bad faith as an infiltrator. Hopefully opportunities will arise to join in a united front with the DSA.
It isn’t bad faith to join DSA in an attempt to influence it. That is honestly the best part about its current structure for leftists such as ourselves. I have a feeling a DSA which allows democratic centralism is not far off into the future the way things are going, and that future will only arrive more quickly with more people such as yourself.
If you’re not joking about being in Idaho, I’m begging you to join. Small DSA chapters are where you can make the magic happen. Got a chapter with 10 people and you’re the only communist? 10% of that chapter is communist and you’re going to have much closer personal relationships where you can interact with your comrades to help them learn that 100% of the chapter should be communist