Aren't there sources other than Adrian Zenz to use in this sort of centrist-socialist article? ('Xinjiang oppression is real but stop doing imperialism over it')

  • Lester_Peterson [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I looked up the author's bio

    From 1998 to 2000 and 2002 to 2006, he worked at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Central Asia on democracy and governance programs, designing and managing projects in civil society development, political party assistance, community development, independent media strengthening, and electoral assistance.

    His present research is focused on China's development of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region as well as on democracy development in former Soviet Central Asia. Roberts continues his applied work on the design and evaluation of democracy and governance projects in the former Soviet Union, most recently in Ukraine where he worked on a USAID project to support decentralization and anti-corruption.

    lol jacobin

    • CommCat [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      this is similar to when I first checked out Dissent Magazine, after hearing about them on a Novara Media youtube video. The first article was by an author with an Eastern European name about the downfall of the Eastern Bloc. Googled the author's name and the first hit was their profile on the NED webiste, the fuck'n CIA National Endowment for Democracy. LOL, you gotta be careful what you consume with these "leftish" media, they might just be CIA ops.

    • Neckbeard_Prime [they/them,he/him]
      3 years ago

      Won't they publish pretty much anyone's op-ed? The only reason they took down one of Amber's was because of (gasp) naughty language (the "It's Bernie, Bitch" column).

      Also, obligatory: :amber:

      Edit: I'm a jackass; that was The Baffler, and the same column was reprinted on Jacobin under a different headline with the profanity removed.

      • Chomsky [comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        This isn't an op ed, it's an interview. Presumably the editor/s were involved in the process of selecting the interviewee.

        • Neckbeard_Prime [they/them,he/him]
          3 years ago

          Bah, you're right -- I remembered seeing the Baffler version before it was pulled, and the Jacobin version had a different headline ("It's Still Bernie").

          Common Dreams has a writeup on the fiasco:

          I feel a little like I'm being gaslit, because I could have sworn I saw the Jacobin version first with the original headline, but I don't have an archive link.