The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) has to be up there. Literally glorifies the stock market and presents a finance bro job as the key to happiness. There's a scene near the start where Will Smith is outside the NYSE looking at all the suits going in and out and narrating how he was inspired by how happy everyone was, and how this inspired him to bootlick his way into some internship, the pursuit of which literally requires him to alienate his friends and family and sleep in subway bathrooms with his five-year-old son. Everyone in the movie is a lazy, unscrupulous asshole, except for the rich people, of course, who are portrayed as generous and open-minded for allowing Will Smith in the door after he kisses their asses the whole movie. All of his struggle with homelessness and poverty etc. is portrayed not as injustice but as the ideal scenario, rewarding the hardest, most dedicated worker with a job. It is literally r/upliftingnews: the movie.

  • UncleJoe [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    WALL-E - Destroying the environment through rabid consumerism is okay guys, we'll send some robots and once its fixed we'll just go back to normal :so-true:

    Darkest Hour - Didn't even watch this one because I knew I would hate myself but doing a biopic on Winston fucking Churchill is cringe enough

    Any Capeshit - Don't even have to explain this I hope, they're usually just borderline or actually outright State Department propaganda.

    Not a movie but the show The West Wing. You should unironically be put into a re-education camp if you watch this LOL

    • Sklorp [she/her]
      3 years ago

      I mean isnt a rather big point of Wall-e that just relying on the robots to fix it was... Bad? Like isn't the captaim realizing that earth is his home, and its worth putting in effort to save it the big turning point of the movie?

        • Sklorp [she/her]
          3 years ago

          Here's your kids movie: The environment is fucked, you're fucked. Enjoy drowning.

          • BeamBrain [he/him]
            3 years ago

            Lorax (the book and original cartoon, not the dogshit 3D animated movie) is how you do a good environmentalist message in a children's story

      • FidelCashflow [he/him]
        3 years ago

        But no, the robots fix all the problems and let humanity survive exploring space. The robts were rad. It was the loss of personal responsibility and the unpreparedness of people to face new world thst caused peobelms. It was liberalism that was the probelm.

    • FidelCashflow [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Nah, I'll fight for walle. That hit fully automated luxury comunism and they had to adjust to the new paradigm

    • Alex_Jones [he/him]
      3 years ago

      The West Wing Thing is a good podcast that breaks down the brain worms in choice episodes.

      It's hosted by Dave Anthony of the Dollop.

    • VILenin [he/him]M
      3 years ago

      I watched Darkest Hour and didn't get it, it's basically just Churchill dictating to his secretary while she types.