Nobody talks about incels any more. It's like they just disappeared. Did we solve it? Was it magic? Or are they just lumped in with the white supremacist terrorists now?

Anyway. 'Member incels?

  • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Incels are a byproduct of any number of issues, chief among them capitalism and toxic masculinity. I think one of the core issues is that there is a very large amount of pressure on men to lose their virginity, while material and social conditions have made this significantly harder to achieve. Apps like Tinder are a great example of capitalism wedging its slimy way into the dating market and making gender relations much more toxic. I think incels are a good example of the changing expectations of men. With movements like me too, there is a lot being said about what men shouldn't do, but not a lot about what they should do. This isn't taught in schools either. This leads to men googling "how to get gf and sex" and an instant pipeline to pickup artist sites.

    • ItGoesItGoes [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I think one of the core issues is that there is a very large amount of pressure on men to lose their virginity

      I have to add that that Western society is hyper-sexualised and Westerners overhype sex. Not to mention toxic puritan conceptions such as virginity, etc.