• LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
    3 years ago

    The idea that Assange is a "bad guy" for doing what journalist are supposed to do is what gets me heated. He didn't do anything other than report the facts. Sure he is kinda weird and has some iffy past choices (wasn't he a creepo to some women at or something, I don't recall) but the point of him doing nothing other than getting important information out to the masses is somehow "bad" is just bonkers. Worst still, I find it so saddening that entire "media class" and most "popular journalists" just utterly left him out in the cold when they usually circle the wagons to "protect their own".

      • Nakoichi [they/them]
        3 years ago

        Legit channeling Parenti in that clip, that's more than a rant that's fucking powerful. Someone should clip that whole rant, I want to send it to some libs.

      • LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Oh wow, she and I are on the same wavelength for sure (I had not heard this before, I don't listen to TrueAnon though it sounds like from that clip I should). It's so enraging how obviously corrupt the big media companies are. The one of the few times a journalist directly challenges the power structure they go full "It Lives" and spout the lines their told.

    • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
      3 years ago

      (wasn’t he a creepo to some women at or something, I don’t recall

      He "stealthed" (read: raped) two women allegedly I think....and honestly: dude probably did it. Part of what's frustrating with Assange is that despite how important his work with Wikileaks obviously is: he is probably an egotistical piece of shit and sexual predator on a personal level and that fact is being cynically exploited in bad faith by the powerful to go after him.

      Edit: regarding the allegations: while I think he probably did them they are almost defacto bunk at this point both because the statute of limitations has run out and also because they've been so cynically used that its impossible to view them outside the context of the larger propaganda and smear campaign against him.

      Here's all I'm saying: I believe the allegations against Assange just because on a gut level it lines up with everything I've read about Assange as a person. But, and this is the crucial part gut feeling obviously isn't a good enough standard to convict someone and I do absolutely agree that the United States and western hegemonic forces would 100% drum up false allegations to use cynically against him also. The truth on those charges has essentially been rendered pointless and no longer matters. Even if he is a piece of shit rapist, he's still been turned by the United States and its security industrial complex into a martyr we have to stand behind, and if you ever feel gross for doing that just remember who is really to blame for that.

      • Sotalsta [they/them]
        3 years ago

        When he was initially saying 'the allegations are made up as a pretext to get me extradited to the US', I thought that was pretty suspect. But in hindsight, once he was out of the embassy, and the US had started the process of getting him extradited, no government had any interest in the case, and the media barely mentions it, even when they're trying to paint him negatively. I don't know what happened but I'm not going to assume he did it.

      • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
        3 years ago

        It's irrelevant because those incidents A: occurred in Sweden, not the US and B: He's not on trial for those alleged crimes