Here is today's update!

Now with images!

@granit had an excellent comment in the last megathread recommending a podcast on MMT, as well as Marxism and anti-imperialism. Check it out!

Links and Stuff

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Examples of racism/euro-centrism during the Russia-Ukraine conflict

Add to the above list if you can, thank you.

Resources For Understanding The War Beyond The Bulletins

Defense Politics Asia's youtube channel and their map, who is an independent youtuber with a mostly neutral viewpoint.

Moon of Alabama, which tends to have good analysis (though also a couple bad takes here and there)

Understanding War and the Saker: neo-conservative sources but their reporting of the war (so far) seems to line up with reality better than most liberal sources.

Alexander Mercouris, who does daily videos on the conflict and, unlike most western analysts, has some degree of understanding on how war works. He is a reactionary, however.

On the ground: Patrick Lancaster, an independent journalist reporting in the Ukrainian warzones.

Unedited videos of Russian/Ukrainian press conferences and speeches.

Telegram Channels

Again, CW for anti-LGBT and racist, sexist, etc speech, as well as combat footage.

Pro-Russian ~ DPR's former Defense Minister and Colonel in the DPR's forces. Russian language. ~ Gleb Bazov, banned from Twitter, referenced pretty heavily in what remains of pro-Russian Twitter. ~ ASB Military News, banned from Twitter. ~ Does daily update posts. Patrick Lancaster - crowd-funded U.S journalist, mostly pro-Russian, works on the ground near warzones to report news and talk to locals. ~ Think it's a government news org or Federal News Agency? Russian language. ~ Front news coverage. Russian langauge. ~ Russian language. ~ Russian language. ~ Russian language. ~ Russian Ministry of Defense. ~ Pro-Russian, documents abuses that Ukraine commits.


With the entire western media sphere being overwhelming pro-Ukraine already, you shouldn't really need more, but: ~ Pro-Ukrainian OSINT Discord. ~ Alleged Ukrainian account with a rather cynical take on the entire thing.

Yesterday's discussion post.

  • artificialset [she/her, fae/faer]
    2 years ago

    Ketchup at risk from climate change

    Finally some good news!

    Reading each day about the ever-worsening state of the planet is nightmare inducing. Sometimes I just think about the fact that I will live multiple decades into the decay and wonder how dire things will get. Then I stop and make myself think of literally anything else. It's very upsetting that the people in charge are sending future generations into disaster.

    • SoyViking [he/him]
      2 years ago

      The generations currently alive is probably going to become the most hated and despised people in human history. Centuries from now the descendants of the survivors will curse us for our monumental evil and use us as examples of reckless greed, arrogance and shallow indifference to human suffering.

      • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Assuming humanity survives long-term, for anybody reading this on the archived internet two centuries from now: I fucking hate the people in charge right now. If things are better: in the most genuine way, be thankful you aren't living under these deeply evil ghouls. If things are worse: I'm very sorry that the failchildren in charge right now have destroyed the planet long-term and it sucks that you're ruled by the great-great-great-grandchildren of these current failchildren ruling us.

        Like, fuck, imagine how bad the failchildren be after that long. It took, what, two or three generations to get from the really competent and evil capitalist titans to people like Donald Trump and Elon Musk? What will it be like in three more generations?

        • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
          2 years ago

          If you're reading this 2 centuries from now: Wow, I'm genuinely surprised you still have internet

    • Cowboyitis69 [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Boomers, gen x, millennials will all be judged very harshly. They had the opportunity to change, of course we were never gonna take it. We did it for the treats