• supdog [e/em/eir,ey/em]
    2 years ago

    I don't want to bring you down but I could argue that we're pretty much mislead on how broadly popular RVW is for reasons I could go into.

    Are people in California going to take to the streets and block California traffic for the sake of South Carolinians?

    Democrats are going to try to settle into the new equilibrium as quick as possible because the fight tends to attract disproportionately more rightoid wingnuts.

    I'll stop here because it's too :doomjak:

      • DonaldJBrandon [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        I went out and protested the day that the leak happened then the weekend after. Honestly it made me feel more doomer tbh. Just felt.... useless, not a ton of showing. Nothing will be done until capital is legitimately threatened and people aren't willing to lose their lives over this yet. I guess we'll see how this progresses tonight .

        That all being said, I think its worth it to go out and at least show for a bit. If the crowd is huge, stay, if it feels like a circlejerk and useless, make your decision then

    • S4ck [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      Oh nothing is going to get done legislatively in this country until there is a general strike. I think I'm mostly speaking in terms of heightening the contradictions for the broader, less politically engaged populous.

      • star_wraith [he/him]
        2 years ago

        And we're not getting a general strike until we have mass unionization, first.

      • supdog [e/em/eir,ey/em]
        2 years ago

        this is the question. Do contradictions heighten or is all captured already? I'm predicting the bleak equilibrium or bleakulibrium is upon on us because my heart and balls feel it . :07:

        • grisbajskulor [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Curious about this too. I think this all hinges on radlibs being radicalized and realizing the democrats can't do anything.

          If you zoom out, I suppose you can kinda see Occupy Wallstreet --> BLM --> Bernie --> BLM 2.0 --> whatever is next. Gotta remember shit changes pretty slowly. I think the contradictions are definitely heightening in that sense.

          Is it all captured already? Also true.

    • DinosaurThussy [they/them]
      2 years ago

      Really puts the “they’ve made their choices” line that’s been so popular with libs into focus