• plov_mix [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Speaking from experience. I realized I was gay in high school in China and nobody around me from my teachers and classmates to my parents and extended family gave me any trouble — except the grand narrative on everyone’s mind was that, because I am gay, my future lay completely with the west, mostly cuz of this “western value” idea Chen seems to subscribe to. It was a big factor why I so eagerly moved the US and became an absolutely cringe Eurocentric lib till recently.

    There’s perhaps something to be said about how queer people in non-western worlds might be assumed/pushed to identify with the western capitalist world that has middle-class-washed and hijacked the lgbt liberation movements. But this line of thought is always too close to home for me to rationally think about

    • Socialcreditscorr [they/them,she/her]
      2 years ago

      except the grand narrative on everyone’s mind was that, because I am gay, my future lay completely with the west, mostly cuz of this “western value” idea Chen seems to subscribe to. It was a big factor why I so eagerly moved the US and became an absolutely cringe Eurocentric lib till recently.

      A self fullfilling prophecy... This is just absolutely frustrating.

    • ClassUpperMiddle [they/them]
      2 years ago

      On one hand i can give some slack to these former feudal countries and colonies being backwards in regards to LGBT. Theyre not going to get everything right. But on the other hand ffs why cant people just be cool about gay people.

      • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
        2 years ago

        Ngl I don’t. It’s not like the colonizers we’re promoting LGBT dominance. Anticolonial movements should be inherently pro-LGBT rights, are you against oppression or are you not?

        Homophobes get the wall. Period.