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  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    In the past I think there may have been some plausible defense for Kurzgesagt videos, even if I hated the cute quirky :reddit-logo: targeting presentation from the start and even recommended videos from well meaning progressives rubbed me the wrong way (the one about "keys to power" comes to mind).

    The "99% of humans killed off is a victory for the 1%!" take from Kurzgesagt was so on the nose in favor of :capitalist-laugh: that from that point forward such defenses were inexcusable to me.

    • ProletarianDictator [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      I know the exact CGPGrey video you're talking about too 💀

      “99% of humans killed off is a victory for the 1%!”

      I have not seen this one, and I'm so glad I stopped watching holy shit

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I know the exact CGPGrey video you’re talking about too 💀

        My mistake, that was a CGPGrey video; I didn't like his videos either even if the presentation is less slick and big budget sus to me.

        I have not seen this one, and I’m so glad I stopped watching holy shit

        I believe it was the "what happens if there's a big calamity that threatens life on Earth" video. Yeah its conclusion was that it'd be great for the 1% that remains, because the implication was, presumably, that :porky-happy: can repopulate the magically livable planet after the worst was over.

        • ProletarianDictator [none/use name]
          1 year ago

          The art style is cute in a more early 2000s kinda way, but it's absolute lib shit. Same vein as all of those alternate history anti-material garbage channels.

          For bystanders, unless you're into hate watching, don't.

          I believe it was the “what happens if there’s a big calamity that threatens life on Earth” video. Yeah its conclusion was that it’d be great for the 1% that remains

          Was this a recent video? I feel like tons of media has been doing leg work to prep the masses for escalating conflict with China and downplaying the threat of nuclear war.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            1 year ago

            The art style is cute in a more early 2000s kinda way, but it’s absolute lib shit.

            It was prejudice on my part for sure, especially when Kurzgesagt's earlier videos were about "I Fucking Love Science" topics which were more grating in presentation than outright offensive to me, but I always hated Kurzgesagt's :corporate-art: delivery style.

            Was this a recent video? I feel like tons of media has been doing leg work to prep the masses for escalating conflict with China and downplaying the threat of nuclear war.

            It was some months ago. It was a generic "what if a disaster threatens the entire planet?" video and I forgot its exact name. It was trying to include climate collapse as a bundle with more vague and fantastical disaster scenarios as if to diminish its imminence and relevance compared to the what-ifs.

            • ProletarianDictator [none/use name]
              1 year ago

              I liked the art style because it was quirky, and very well made.

              My lib propaganda sensors were faulty at the time, but it's obvious now why the production quality was so high.

              Shame that a name drop of climate change is enough to get libs to buy into right-wing narratives.

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                1 year ago

                I suppose it's a difference of taste; you're not wrong to have liked Kurtzgesagt's presentation style, but I always hated it because to me it felt condescending and twee levels of quirky.