Bionicle's kind of a "You had to be there" thing. Not gonna do anything for a hardcore sci-fi buff, but the writing and setting had a unexpected depth to it by the standards of a nerdy kid in the early '00s. There're some neat character designs, too.
Can someone give me the low-down on Bionicle? All I know is, LEGO action figures, Maori aesthetic, repeated meme references.
Is it any good? Are parts of it good and others not? Should I get extremely high and watch/play any Bionicle-related media?
It's just a meme where millennials are saying "hey, remember this dumb thing?"
No need to investigate. It's not actually good
there are some things to like about it buried in there, but as a whole it's just mediocre children's toy advertisements.
It's like Warhammer 40k for kids, in that it's an overly-elaborate storyline meant to sell plastic toys.
Bionicle's kind of a "You had to be there" thing. Not gonna do anything for a hardcore sci-fi buff, but the writing and setting had a unexpected depth to it by the standards of a nerdy kid in the early '00s. There're some neat character designs, too.
Watch the creatures of the deep product advertisements. I think they're badass.