I've got two off the top of my head:

First is that the design of the USB drives needing to be oriented up or down was the result of a minor cost cutting choice. The inventor regrets it because it wouldn't been easy made so that USB drives were reversible.

Second is the abundance of pointless SEO stuff on recipe pages. It would be a cool opportunity for the creator to add a personal touch to the recipe page beneath the recipe, but they pop in first along with ads and suggested links. And they're so frustrating to navigate that they had to incorporate a 'jump to recipe' button.

  • FourteenEyes [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Shoving ads in my face everywhere I go, causing me psychological harm as my ADHD brain has to contend with things that are designed to be attention grabbing but which I do not want to pay attention to. So it's like an assault on my ability to think clearly. I'm being robbed of my fucking capacity to reason so that it will increase the likelihood I hook myself up to the great machine and let Moloch drink of my blood

    • Rom [he/him]
      1 year ago

      My fucking god I hate how pervasive ads are. I've entirely quit watching cable TV because of commercials and just pirate anything I want to watch, and I just don't listen to the radio for the same reason. Magazines and newspapers lost the war ages ago but those are dying media that no one read anymore. Thank fucking god uBlock Origin exists otherwise I'm not sure I'd be able to tolerate the internet. But I can't avoid billboards because I live in a car-centric hellscape where public transportation doesn't exist and I literally have to drive a car if I want to get anywhere. Billboards are a blight upon the landscape and every single one of them should be burned to the ground.

      On the rare occasions I actually watch cable TV (usually at family gatherings) it honestly astounds me how mind-numbing ads have become. Like how everything has to have a stupid "catchy" jingle, or be super in your face about manipulating you into buying whatever garbage they're trying to sell.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        On the rare occasions I actually watch cable TV (usually at family gatherings) it honestly astounds me how mind-numbing ads have become. Like how everything has to have a stupid "catchy" jingle, or be super in your face about manipulating you into buying whatever garbage they're trying to sell.

        I actually miss when ads were about how powerful this cleansing agent is or how much horsepower that car was supposed to have. Now it's all about life-changing epiphanies, about the purchased identity from the treat and the validation the treat promises the exhausted and alienated consumer. debord-tired

    • AOCapitulator [they/them, she/her]
      1 year ago

      I dont really go out much aside to work and I have 678 adblockers and don't watch TV or listen to the radio and I steal all my media, so I rarely encounter ads.

      so when I do it lights a fury inside me

      • Melonius [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Same. I borrowed a Hulu premium account and when a car commercial started playing 5 minutes in I closed it and downloaded the show.

        It's so immersion breaking too.

        • FourteenEyes [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Tried to watch Shape of Water on Hulu on a day off and the first ad at 12 minutes destroyed that plan

          I really need to get a VPN and another SSD

      • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Holy shit when someone wants to show me a video and I see the experience of what most people get it blows my mind these days. I was essentially able to cut out all advertisements out of my life a few years ago and I genuinely think it's had a profound impact on my mental health. How did this shit get so fucking normalized.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Every time I am forced to see ads where they are otherwise blocked at home (such as at a bank or doctor's office) I see them getting measurably more obnoxious with each months-later snapshot since the last time I saw them. doomer

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I feel this too.

      There's a lot of "if you don't like X don't buy X, simple" reddit-logo brainworms excuses out there, and none of them change the fact that I still have to have that distracting obnoxious deliberately-anxiety-inducing noise everywhere I go.