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  • booty [he/him]
    10 months ago

    We're communists who are very hostile toward racism, transphobia, homophobia, ableism, and other such bigotry. The users of this instance are by and large racist homophobic ableist liberals so they hate us. It's not hard to understand.

    • no
      10 months ago

      The issue is not that:

      We’re communists who are very hostile toward racism, transphobia, homophobia, ableism, and other such bigotry.

      The issue is that:

      We're very hostile

      Everything else doesn't really matter if you look at the feedback.

      • Grandpa_garbagio [he/him]
        10 months ago

        Hahaha no way.

        So if I say "We hate bigots and fascists."

        You just read "We hate"?

          10 months ago

          I read "We hate anyone who doesn't agree with us."

          Said out loud: "We hate bigots and fascists."
          Unsaid but implied in many interactions: "Anyone who doesn't agree with us is a bigot or a fascist."
          Combine: "We hate bigots and fascists, by which we mean anyone who doesn't agree with us."
          Simplify: "We hate anyone who doesn't agree with us."

              10 months ago

              You used "we". Who is "we"? The rest of the discussion implies that "we" means "we Hexbear users".

              So here's a better question: how can a White, cisgender, cissexual man politically to the right of Bernie Sanders disagree with you without being a bigot or a fascist?

              • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                10 months ago

                You say that like Bernard is the ne plus ultra of genuine progressivism.

                Also did you mean to say heterosexual or did I finally encounter a "LGBTT" type in the wild?

              • Grandpa_garbagio [he/him]
                10 months ago

                Idk should look into that a bit more.

                Which views do you hold that are to the right of a center left liberal?

      • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
        10 months ago

        By and large, we are only hostile to those who are hostile to us first. Perhaps the onus is on you to stop spewing hyperreactionary sewage onto the internet that is easily disproven by even 10 minutes of research, rather than expecting us not to respond when you say that shit and then acting like "Oh, golly gee, golly me! I could not have foreseen that people would have been angry at me when I stated this godawful take!"

        Starting out conversations by calling us genocide-denying fascists who are only pretending to be LGBTQIA+ for plausible deniability is obviously going to get you fucking swarmed in return, don't act like you didn't do anything and you're just a poor little meow meow trying to have civil discussions

          • charlie
            10 months ago

            I’m sorry, is this you?

            However, please keep this in mind - that being a Nazi sympathizer does not automatically invalidate one’s opinions on other topics.

            I would expect most people to be hostile to that opinion.

          • hotcouchguy [he/him]
            10 months ago

            hostile to people who hold different opinions than theirs.

            Which opinions?

            • charlie
              10 months ago

              However, please keep this in mind - that being a Nazi sympathizer does not automatically invalidate one’s opinions on other topics.

              Quote from one of their posts about Hexbear. Their opinion seems to be that Nazi’s are OK. So I can see why Hexbear would have a problem with that.

      • Egon [they/them]
        10 months ago

        Take a step back and notice that whenever a bunch of hexbear users are hostile to some poor little user that only just disagreed a teensy weensy bit, it's actually because that user was being a bad-faith condescending dickhead. I'm sick of writing essays of length with clear sources, only to get a response like "lmao you believe that?" or "what time is it in Moscow, comrade?"

        Thinking that someone deserves civility when they themselves are dickheads just because that person agrees with you, is hypocritical. If people cannot engage in good faith, then they deserve derision