r/politics thread

Fetterman: I'll Never Understand Progressives Who Won't Support Biden

Sen. John Fetterman has a message for the progressive wing of the Democratic Party: get in line behind President Joe Biden.

"Get behind Joe Biden's policies, or you're gonna get behind Trump's policies," said the Pennsylvania Democrat.

Fetterman made the remarks during a sit-down with reporters in his Senate office on Tuesday, answering questions with the help of a tablet that displays an instant transcript of reporters' spoken questions. He continues to recover from an auditory processing disorder caused by a stroke that happened during the 2022 campaign.

To illustrate his point, Fetterman hearkened back to his own support for Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign as the mayor of Braddock, even after he had supported Sen. Bernie Sanders during the primary.

"In 2016, you know, I was a surrogate for Senator Clinton. And it's just like, you have a choice," said Fetterman. "And if you don't get behind Senator Clinton, you know, you are voting for Trump. And that's exactly what happened in Pennsylvania, and it's devastating."

  • ZapataCadabra [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Hillary Clinton would have carpet bombed Syria. She expressly stated she was going to No Fly Zone them and in private conversations said Libya was a model for how to toppled Assad.

    • Dolores [love/loves]
      1 year ago

      how could she have done that? i mean without starting a war with russia and immolating us all. that's what restrained Trump too, he loved bombing Syria when he did, he didn't actually have a friendlier disposition on that front

      • D61 [any]
        1 year ago

        Pretty sure there were already US troops in Syria "doing stuff" so it wouldn't be that hard to just start escalating things to the point that "oops, we did a carpet bombing". hillary-apartment

        • Dolores [love/loves]
          1 year ago

          like you could've escalated Syria into a world war for sure, if you wanted, but i what i don't see is a reason Clinton would've been more obliged than Trump to have done that.

          • D61 [any]
            1 year ago

            I mean, Libya was a Clinton project right? Turned that place into a nightmare for, practically no other reason than to show that "I've got what it takes to run with the Boys!"

            • Dolores [love/loves]
              1 year ago

              practically no other reason

              the reason was the ownership of the oilfields. there is no reality in which Trump or some other republican would not have jumped right on that.

              • D61 [any]
                1 year ago

                Which is weird, 'cause with my baby brained understanding of Ghadaffi, he would regularly swing back and forth between being okay working the USA and that seems like it could have made better long term sense to keep him around as a handy face/heel instead of fully going through with a coup that can't be good for oil production/distribution.

        • Dolores [love/loves]
          1 year ago

          i mean clinton would've came in in '17, the deployment of russian forces kind of nixed either party's ambition to do a libya in syria