i irrationally hate the actor that played the mother from How I Met Your Mother. Maybe i just hate that doe eyes look she seems to be inflicted with. And she seems to always be playing some sad sack in a bad relationship so it might just be type casting too. Plus the end of HIMYM was so fuckin bad so that might not help lol.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Does it count as irrational if the actor is a serial child predator?

    If not, my nomination still goes to Justin Roiland for voice acting roughly the same two characters over and over again with slightly different names and getting paid millions for it while being allowed to abuse everyone around him at the recording studios because being a drunk asshole is seen as "method acting."

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        9 months ago

        He was always a monster, but there was a little sticky note that said "IRONICALLY" over it all until then.

        That sticky note didn't cover enough for the recording staff and other workers he abused for "method acting" reactions well before the tweets were exposed.