I might write a summary later

  • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
    1 year ago

    I have a hypothesis that this phenomena of science types overestimating their ability to draw conclusions in the social sciences is a result of STEM-y people persistently being told they are smart for being relatively competent with more concrete subjects, making them far less likely to negatively assess their understanding of the more squishy world. Thoughts?

    STEMlords get told their shit don't stink, which cultivates a form of arrogance. The funny thing is that this happens enough that once they get old, they start doing the same shit to STEM fields that they have no expertise in. It starts with the social sciences and the humanities when they are younger, but by the time they're old, they become full-blown cranks who think their expertise in electrical engineering makes them an expert on the efficacy of vaccines.