• Wordplay [he/him]
    8 months ago

    I'm in a town where basic shelter is unaffordable and constantly features puff pieces about the plights of our landlords, and the local subreddit has the majority of locals calling landlords parasites. All that's missing is a vanguard that can organize and guide this sentiment.

    • bigboopballs [he/him]
      8 months ago

      the local subreddit has the majority of locals calling landlords parasites.

      That's pretty rare. Most local subreddits are inhabited by landlords and landlord sympathizers.

    • @cleoburymortimer
      8 months ago

      why not start a tenant union? we founded one last year in my city from nothing, one guy organised a public meeting and advertised it on facebook/eventbrite and a few ppl came along, now we're a year old and growing fast.