hexbear-specter we also have the most comments. never stop posting

    • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
      8 months ago



      We're just a bunch of nerds that read the news and lots of political and economic theory, have a good understanding of the history of capitalism and class consciousness.

      • barrbaric [he/him]
        8 months ago

        mouse over that emoji to see the name

        Well, it ain't wrong

        • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
          8 months ago

          At this point I don't even bother making the distinction, the practical differences between Anarchists and Communists have all but disappeared and anyone who clings to the old struggles is a reactionary anyways.

          We all go to the same meetings, are participating in the same groups, at the same protests, and fighting for the same things.

            • kristina [she/her]
              8 months ago

              Proudhon moment

              Tbh if my grandkids don't beat me to death for being reactionary I failed as a parent

          • @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            8 months ago

            Thanks for this comment, I consider myself an anarchist and sometimes feel worried about the judgement from other socialists if they have certain ideas about anarchists. I've thought a lot about it but I feel the same way about the distinction these days, any organic political movement will have a syncretism of ideas anyway.

            • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
              8 months ago

              That's the party line of hexbear, we avoid dumb struggle sessions because we know arguing about the specifics of implementation are pointless unless we have an actual organized party.

              And you'll never organize by whining and complaining about ideology.

              Fred Hampton formed the rainbow coalition with the Young Patriots, we can form coalitions with other socialist/anarchist groups and argue about other stuff when it makes sense to.

              • @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                8 months ago

                This is a key feature of why it's such a refreshing space. I have argued about stupid shit with so many people in my life and I'm sick of it. I thought debate was useful, and it is, but there comes a point where the sides know what side they are on and talking is useless.

                • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
                  8 months ago

                  Yeah, and as some people have pointed out we do have some dumb struggle sessions, but for the most part they're less focused on ideological grounds (anymore) and are more focused on weird stuff like cats and food.

              • @HornyOnMain
                8 months ago

                we avoid dumb struggle sessions


    • Awoo [she/her]
      8 months ago

      We're communists and anarchists with the pretty standard views of communists and anarchists all over the world. Main difference between us and other leftist spaces is a strict left-unity no sectarianism approach.

      We hate libs and we hate the fascists even more.

        • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
          8 months ago

          Nah you're alright, we were all where you are once and we still want the same things for the same reasons. To be specific, by lib we mean the dedicated neoliberal types, blue maga deadenders and such. The kind of people who will pull out some chart to rationalize why the market says some people have to die, actually. As a Bernia Sanders socialist you've probably had them smugly lecture you about the (literally negative!) price of healthcare while nodding sagely along with the latest grotesque military budget. If talking to those dorks makes you grind your teeth, you'll probably vibe well with Hexbear

          I canvassed for Bernie in 2019 and while I no longer identify with him due to disagreements over foreign policy, I definitely wouldn't be where I am now without the visibility his two campaigns brought to basic, humane socialist ideals.

          • /home/pineapplelover@lemm.ee
            8 months ago

            I'm already lib left and although I'm always open to more political ideas, economically, I will always believe in a regulated capitalist system. Now at this point, all of Hexbear is cussing me out. Yes, it would probably be an ideal world if everybody gets along and nobody exploits each other but it's just the inner human greed we all have that prevents this, so I don't think it's a realistic goal. As many have mentioned though, I'll check out the Jakarta Method. Maybe it will turn me into an Anarcho Communist.

            • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
              8 months ago

              A regulated capitalist system just means ”the child labor is done in other countries”.

            • hopelessbyanxiety [undecided]
              8 months ago

              The "inner human greed" is the system reproducing itself, based on profit and all that. Humans don't have metaphysical stuff in them, just like kings don't have the divine right to rule. We're all educated to believe that this is how things always have been, and always will. That's why we struggle to imagine any alternative system, and we struggle to understand that things do change. I'm still learning as well, so not sure if I was clear

            • CarbonScored [any]
              8 months ago

              It's cool that you cam here in good faith to discuss, and I hope you do go ahead and read and learn more. The Jakarta Method alone rather elucidates the horrific crimes done by well regulated capitalist systems..

              • /home/pineapplelover@lemm.ee
                8 months ago

                Looked more into The Jakarta method. That's insane that the US started bombing civilians and started putting people in concentration camps. I think around 1 million were killed? Fucking brutal and I've never heard about it. The 30% in Indonesia went from loud and proud to silenced and murdered. Still, I was hoping this would've shed more light on how communism could work out.

                • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                  8 months ago

                  I think their point in mentioning it is understanding the barbarity of the capitalist world order.

                  The question of "how [socialism] could work out" can be debated endlessly, but the grave element of the question is how to prevent liberal capitalism from being restored and how to survive capitalist encirclement. The libertarian navel-gazing about "incentive to work" and so on has always been bullshit and is frankly not a real issue.

                • CyborgMarx [any, any]
                  8 months ago

                  If you want the technical details of how the building blocks' of communism would be realized, you would have to look into Project Cybersyn, but that's some real deep lore only commie nerds really know about

                  Probably best to take it slow and begin with the Principles

            • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
              8 months ago

              Any communist that believes that communism comes about because 'everybody just gets along and doesn't exploit each other', has A) not actually read or internalized any Marxist theory, and B) doesn't have a good understanding of ideology, it's influence, and how it historically develops and becomes relevant.

            • GarbageShoot [he/him]
              8 months ago

              all of Hexbear is cussing me out.

              Being overwhelmed by a flood of responses is totally normal, but it is worth noting that not a single person is doing this unless you are getting hostile DMs or something (in which case please report it so we can ban the users responsible

            • ElHexo [comrade/them]
              8 months ago

              regulated capitalist system

              Look either capitalism starts getting better or even the most benign reforms are crushed and everything gets worse - in which case we'll be here for you

            • moonlake [he/him]
              8 months ago

              it's just the inner human greed we all have that prevents this

              My comrade, you just made a great argument against capitalism. If humans are intrinsically greedy, then why should we reward that behaviour? If that is the case, we should build an economic system which incentivizes sharing, instead of a system which incentivizes greed.

              I will always believe in a regulated capitalist system

              Who is going to regulate capitalism? The capitalist class is the ruling class in capitalism, do you truly expect that they are going to regulate themselves? Besides, even regulations won't stop them, since capitalists can sue nations - and win.

              Anyway, reading theory is great but I also recommend listening to podcasts. Chapo Trap House and True Anon are some great starting points. And of course, keep lurking on Hexbear and asking questions, we love to discuss when it is in good faith hexbear-specter

              • /home/pineapplelover@lemm.ee
                8 months ago

                Ah, that's what Chapo Trap House is for. I've always wondered what that is. I'll check that out for sure. Also yes, I agree that a well regulated capitalist economic system wouldn't be easy since the rich will just try to exploit more and more. I guess no system will ever work then 🤷‍♂️ since with both systems people will always try exploiting each other for power and profit.

          • Preston Maness ☭@lemmygrad.ml
            8 months ago

            I canvassed for Bernie in 2019 and while I no longer identify with him due to disagreements over foreign policy, I definitely wouldn’t be where I am now without the visibility his two campaigns brought to basic, humane socialist ideals.

            The Bernie campaigns minted an entire new generation of socialists in the United States. He's always gonna get massive credit for that in my book.

        • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
          8 months ago

          I don't think so. That's where a lot of us were 4 years ago. The events of the last decade have made it very difficult to believe in the possibility of voting our way to freedom.

        • @the_kid
          8 months ago

          like 90% of us used to just be bernie sanders supporters and went from there

          • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
            8 months ago

            I'm in the 10% that's just old as fuck. chomsky-yes-honey

            Also, maybe it's just the news mega but I feel like a lot more than 10% of us aren't from the states.

            • @the_kid
              8 months ago

              you caught me, I made the number up

              • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
                8 months ago

                I know, I mostly just wanted to complain about feeling old because I did a rally yesterday and then a Halloween party until like 4am and am a wreck now (and yet can't sleep).

                • @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                  8 months ago

                  That ain't old, the fact you could even go to a rally and a Halloween party shows you are plenty youthful! I don't even think of myself as old and I don't have the energy for that sort of thing usually haha.

        • fox [comrade/them]
          8 months ago

          If you're a Bernie Sanders liberal and refuse to acknowledge viewpoints to the left of that you'll get dunked on by hexbears. If you're willing to learn leftist theory you're golden.

        • AcidMarxist [he/him, comrade/them]
          8 months ago

          I mean, the sad truth is that Bernie and most "left liberals" are letting down the INTERNATIONAL working class. I liked Fetterman, but he's decided to support Israel at a CRITICAL moment in the Palestinian struggle against a genocide being perpetrated against them by Israel

          fwiw I dont think anyone here hates liberal workers. We hate the machine that keeps turning everyone in the developed world into a monster. We're all on the Last Train to Nuremburg rn, I dont think a lot of good hearted leftsts understand that yet

        • @HornyOnMain
          8 months ago

          I'm one of the few people who didn't get here through supporting Bernie Sanders (but I got here through being radicalised by the labour parties coup of Corbyn so it's basically the same thing) but yeah, we were all there once.

      • keepcarrot [she/her]
        8 months ago

        I think the dividing line (I've found) is not believing in all the bonkers lies capitalists make about AES states. You can be a whatever, anarchist, trot, but if you believe in the gulag archipelago you're going to get dogpiled.

        Also lots of shitposting. And emojis

    • CyborgMarx [any, any]
      8 months ago

      We are loyal followers of Chechen entrepreneur and falsely accused "war criminal" Rashid Fouad, the greatest zen communist to ever live ypg-brace

      ....we also like bears bear-chill