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  • @Kaplya
    8 months ago

    The ideological civil war within the Republican party ended with the take over by MAGA extremists (see Trump’s polling in the Republican primaries - yes, even though I said not to trust the poll). There is no chance that the GOP today controlled by a crazy MAGA faction can stand against the institutions of the liberal establishment.

    There is a reason why the GOP today (which is managed by a faction that is fast losing its ground in American politics) has taken more and more openly extreme stance, because the Democrat’s strategy is to eat their lunch. Who’s better at getting racist laws passed? Who supports the police force better? Who is better at expelling illegal immigrants? Who’s better at ending COVID and masking? The smart racist conservatives have already figured out that Democrats is their ticket to getting what they want.

    • queermunist she/
      8 months ago

      Liberalism only makes sense under periods where the empire is strong and either growing or at least stable.

      When the empire destabilizes and contracts, fascism is always the response. And we're over the hill.

      • @Kaplya
        8 months ago

        Who says liberalism is incapable of turning fascism? The Democrats will become the fascist brand, that’s the whole point. The Republicans are finished - they have been out-flanked, very skillfully, by the Democrats and proven themselves to be the incapable ones.

          • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
            8 months ago

            Even longer. This was said during the Reconstruction era and during FDR's administration. The Republican Party is a cockroach that seemingly dies and only ends up coming back stronger.

          • @Kaplya
            8 months ago

            Yup and they’ve since made sure that another Trump won’t happen again.

        • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
          8 months ago

          I'm 40, I've been hearing bright eyed, ignorant Dems say the Republicans are finished since I was first able to vote.

          They aren't going anywhere.

        • jabrd [he/him]
          8 months ago

          I thought I came to this site to escape liberal hyperbole about fascism

    • duderium [he/him]
      8 months ago

      There is no chance that the GOP today controlled by a crazy MAGA faction can stand against the institutions of the liberal establishment.

      starts trembling uncontrollably and repeating “2016” over and over again