• The Dow Jones Industrial Average just saw a "death cross" that's regarded as a bearish signal.

  • The formation involves a short-term moving average falling below a longer-term one.

  • The last time a death cross struck was in March 2022. The Dow then fell 12% over a six-month period.

My health insurance just jumped 10% - THANKS GENOCIDE JOE! Bidenomics is really winning here! Real FDR biden-leftist Maost progressive Dem!

Then you have Turbo maybe-later-honey like biaoqing-copium David Copium-man desperately trying to gaslight everyone this-is-fine

  • Melonius [he/him]
    10 months ago

    The early conclusion I’m coming to is that MAYBE the American gets more treats

    I totally agree with your maybe qualifier. I'm a stingy hermit but our treats suck. Yeah I can get a really nice meal for a third of my paycheck, but the real treats I want inherently threaten capitalism or aren't profitable. Human connection, walkable cities, clean and modernized public spaces, and free time are enemies of the bg because they create community, which shares a lot of letters with the bad word.

    Even our media sucks because it can always start out good, but in the end the show, movie, book, game has to lib out and show how both sides or that "killing the baddies is actually bad." Any depiction of communism has to be in a situation where capitalism died of natural causes.

    Really what Americans have to do is go overseas and spend their "powerful" dollar in a place that's being exploited. I don't like that feeling at all, though I guess I'd prefer my money go to people who actually deserve it. The fact that people have been traveling abroad for healthcare and saving money doing so is absurd.

    Ok done ranting. Would be really interested in your post when it's ready!

    • star_wraith [he/him]
      10 months ago

      Yeah it’s like, take a moment and think about all the sort of unnecessary possessions you have (I feel like calling them “treats” isn’t always the best because some unnecessary things are cool). Think about how those actually make your life better or worse. Cell phones aren’t a great comparison because they didn’t have them in the Soviet times.

      For me personally, it comes down to like, my coffee maker and some other kitchen things, my e-reader, my TV, then books and board games. Other than that, I don’t really have much else. If the USSR was able to fix their shit in the 80s and continue on to 2023, do we really think my Soviet doppelgänger wouldn’t have those things too? In terms of actual quality of life… I mean I make decent money now but I don’t think I’d be less happy if I was living in the 2023 Soviet Union (ignoring the fact that I’m a commie so obviously I’d rather be there). I might have marginally less treats but I’d be way more secure in life. And I’m someone who makes above the median income in a country that benefits massively from imperialism.

      • Melonius [he/him]
        10 months ago

        I think the other unsaid "benefit" that's enjoyed is relative safety from warfare. Of course the primary export of the US is warfare. Not a very healthy relationship